Monday, February 16, 2009

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Meal Program - How Does This Program Work?

The burn the fat feed the muscle meal program is not about starving your body of nutrients to lose weight. Most weight loss programs are like that. Supplements, foods and drinks are required to be taken that in effect tells your brain that the body is not hungry so you skimp on food. The body actually is hungry and so people that subscribe to weight loss program that is based on hunger suppressants found themselves reaching a plateau in weight loss no matter how low the caloric intake. Then, often in frustration, quits. When regular meals are eaten as some day a person must, weight starts creeping in with a vengeance.

This program is based on activities too but no hunger suppressants here. Here is how it works :

All foods are thermogenic. There are however foods that are more thermogenic than other foods. To draw a parallelism, for electrical energy to be delivered into the homes of end consumers, it will require the use of the same energy so that the power is transferred from the power plant to homes. Usually that is called systems loss.

Foods digested inside the body also work that way. The difference is that when eating is much more focused on thermogenic foods, more calories are burned during the process of delivering the nutrients to the different pats of the body and in the process more nutrients are fed to the muscles where you do not feel the hunger for much longer periods of time. When that happens, muscles are fed with more energy to conduct more activity as they burn more calories in the process, and the cycle goes on. The result is that you loss fat while lean muscles are being developed.

The burn the fat feed the muscle meal program is not about body building although you get a better shaped body too. It is about working with what is natural and how the body reacts to it. It is not much about depriving the self of what it naturally craves for as it is more on building metabolism, increasing energy levels and being healthy and fit naturally.

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