Saturday, February 28, 2009

How I Personally Used These Tips to Get Rid of My Fat Belly and Get a Mouth Watering Set of Abs

Isn't it about time you get rid of that extra flab and around your belly? Wouldn't you like to be walking around this Summer with a Sexy set of abs? I am going to show you a plan that I use every Spring to get back in shape. I definitely don't want to wait until the Summer because by then it will be too late.

Over time I've developed a plan that helps me and a lot of other people look hot in time for Summer. If you don't mind I'd like to go ahead and share with you a few of these tips.

Tip #1-

The first thing I do is write down a few goals. Without any direction you won't know exactly what you're trying to achieve. I write down exactly what I want and when I want it by. So I'll write down that "I want a six pack by May 1st". Now that I know what I want and when I want it I take another step. I write down a lot of the little details that will help me get there. So this means that I write down what I need to do to start eating healthier. Then I write down what days and for how long I am going to exercise.

Tip #2-

As I mentioned earlier, diet and exercise are part of the process you need to follow to get a great set of abs. I am sorry but there is no such thing as overnight abs. I don't care what anyone tells you or what you see on Tv. It can be hard to break out of the bad winter eating habits I develop. So to help myself out I like to start out slow. Each week I try and replace one unhealthy meal each day without a healthier alternative. After a few weeks I am back to eating healthy.

Tip #3-

I cut down on my exercise during the winter time. When it's time to start up again it can be difficult. Instead of hopping right back on a treadmill I choose to go a different route. I like to do pick an activity that gives me a good workout and one that I enjoy doing. I usually choose to play basketball. I get a great workout and I burn a ton of calories. After I build my endurance up I start doing more rigorous activities.

I've created a 6-Pack Program for anyone who would like to get see results in 21 days. By following this program you'll discover the exactly what you need to do to get motivated and start burning fat and losing weight quicker than you ever thought possible. You'll have a sexier, healthier, and even a more youthful body in the shortest amount of time possible. You can find this plan at

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