Monday, February 16, 2009

Lose 6 Pounds in 8 Days - The Secret of Losing 6 Pounds of Fat is Revealed

Were you aware that you can lose 6 pounds in 8 days without starving yourself, exercise or taking any kind of pill? In fact you get to eat like a king or queen for the full duration and the best part is the results stay off after you finish! The diet I'm speaking of is known as calorie shifting and I'll explain in this article how and why it works and why other diets are unable to keep weight off after you complete them.

The secret is in the food

Everyone is always focused on the amount of calories consumed every day, but how often do they actually look at what those calories are made up from? You see your body is always trying to stay in a balance where it knows whats coming in day to day and has a general idea of what types of calories you will be eating. The thing is if you eat a full days worth of calories but each meal varies drastically it actually triggers your metabolism to boost up significantly. When you do this day by day you will actually find that your body burns a much greater amount of fat than you otherwise normally would.

Why low calorie doesn't work

When you drop your calories down significantly all of a sudden on a low calorie diet, what ends up happening is that your metabolism is shocked into dropping with it. This form of dieting triggers a scarcity response in your body to conserve more calories than normal. When you complete the diet your metabolism is still lower than normal and as a result the weight will come back on faster than ever. With calorie shifting the opposite is true as the entire time you've been training your metabolism to become more active and burn more fat than usual, often when people finish calorie shifting they continue to lose weight for days to weeks after!

Lose 6 Pounds in 8 Days by using Calorie Shifting Click to find out more!

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