Monday, February 9, 2009

The Secret to Financial Freedom

I meet with people almost every day and I hear the exact same thing. I would like to make more money. This isn't going to be the first time that I've written this and it certainly won't be the last time either. If you want to make more money, then you have to think like rich people. Of course it goes without saying that "rich" is defined by you and no one else. So if you are living the financial lifestyle you want, then yes, you are rich. And yes, we should all be striving to become rich. That means you need to think like a rich person.

Rich people don't use the lottery as part of their retirement plan. They also don't only use the lottery and their finger crossing in hopes of getting money. Poor people do this and when they win it doesn't take long for them to go through their money and end up right where they started. There are a lot of excuses out there why you can't be rich. As soon as you start reciting those excuses you will, in fact, make them truths instead of excuses. If you want to be rich, then it's time to stop with that as well. Poor people make excuses. Rich people make money regardless of any circumstance.

I can already hear it. I hear people saying, "Money isn't everything." Nope it isn't everything, but nothing is everything. Relationships aren't everything, physical health isn't everything and guess what, spirituality isn't everything either. "Money doesn't buy happiness." Well neither does anything else. You have to have balance in every pillar and that includes your finances. I'll let you in on a little secret. People who use those phrases listed above....are broke. Those phrases were created for two reasons; one, to make people feel better about being poor and two, to make sure that people aren't putting all of their focus on just their finances. However, with that said the majority of people that use these are broke.

By the way, regardless of your job you can be rich. There isn't a single rich and/or successful person out there relies on only one source of income. Even take someone like Tiger Woods. He makes millions doing what he loves and because of that he has endorsements and many other sources of income. Most of those are passive income. Sure he works a bit for them, but he spends far more time doing what he loves then doing what it takes to continue with the endorsements.

Start checking out passive sources of income and yes, if you want to make a real change in your financial future you are going to have do some type of selling. Sorry, but those are the facts. When you see Tiger Woods on TV doing a commercial, what do you think he is doing? Yep, he's selling. It's just being done in the form of telling. You can do that too. Find something that you are passionate about and then you will be more than happy to tell people about it. If you are passionate about something, then that passion is going to come across to people when you are telling them about it and they will buy it. But if they don't, you don't care because you are still passionate about what you are doing and you know that this is what it takes for you to change your financial success.

If you want to find more excuses as to why you won't be rich, then sit around and have some conversations with broke people. They will have plenty. But if you're ready and I mean really ready, then today is the day to make a change. Take ownership of your financial future and start looking into getting multiple sources of income. Find something you're passionate about and start telling people about it. I know it's within you to achieve this, but the important question you

Sharon Fredrickson

Sharon is a thought leader who has achieved top honors in her business world and is a thriving entrepreneur. Sharon's background in leadership, motivational, and inspirational training gives her a unique and powerful ability to address life issues from an integrated and comprehensive level which inevitably makes you feel like you can reach for the stars and grab them.

Please feel free to contact Sharon at

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