Thursday, March 12, 2009

Diets of 2009 - The Banana Diet, Acai Berry Juice Diet - Do Any of Them Work?

If you have been researching the best diets of 2009 then you've probably come across the banana diet and the acai juice diet. The big question is though, do any of them work? Well in this article I will help to answer this question and let you know what the best way to lose weight in the new year is.

The Banana Diet - Basically what you do is this: You wake up and drink about a half cup of warm water. Then begin to eat as many bananas as you can for breakfast, don't stuff yourself, but eat enough that you're not hungry anymore. Generally 2-3 will suffice, drink warm water while you do this. For lunch and dinner you can eat whatever you want.

Does it work?

Well simply put, no. Although bananas are great to eat on a regular basis for their fiber and potassium, beyond these benefits theres no other reason that eating bananas for breakfast would somehow burn away that pizza you end up having for dinner or that burger you eat for lunch. Its possible that if there were restrictions on the lunch and dinner then this diet would have potential for weight loss. As of now though, its just hype and people are buying it to it.

The Acai Berry Juice Diet - This diet is a little deceptive in its marketing. What it really is, is a fiber shake you drink every day in addition to 1-2 servings of Acai juice. Acai berries are very high in anti-oxidants so it can help prevent diseases and enhance anti-aging effects.

Does it work?

Somewhat... The truth is that it isn't the acai so much as the fiber which helps people lose weight doing this. Truthfully it shouldn't even be called a diet, as you're just drinking some juice every day and taking a fiber shake, which most health conscious people do every day anyway. As far as weight loss is concerned, the fiber can help keep your colon clean, but acai is being really heavily over-hyped in terms of its effectiveness. In reality, it's a very healthy supplement. For weight loss it doesn't cut it however.

The Best ways to lose weight in 2009!

Try cleansing, something such as the master cleanse when done properly can incur 10-15 pound of weight loss in a week. As far as diets go calorie shifting was huge in 2008 and only seems to be growing in 2009 as the most successful diet to emerge in the last 5 years! Lastly working out is always key, short high intensity workouts just a few times per week can have tremendous weight loss results.

Lose 10 Pounds By Next Week From Calorie Shifting Find out how to do it at

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