Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Weight Loss Diets in 2009 - Review of Fad Diets From 2008

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months, if you have any interest in losing weight then you must have heard of either the cabbage soup diet, the acai berry detox diet that was made popular on Oprah and the Banana diet. Yup, if you're thinking these all sound wacky then you wouldn't be too far off. Instead of speculating let me tell you briefly about each one and what the best way to lose weight in 2009 will be. Hopefully this way you'll avoid some of the fad diets of 2008 this way and use some new weight loss diets that actually work.

The Cabbage Soup Diet

What do you do? You eat cabbage soup every day for 7 days with a set amount of additional food each day. For example, on the first day you can have the soup and some fruits, another day you're allowed the soup and some lean meat etc.

Does it work? In comparison to the next couple of fad diets I'll mention, I'd say this one has the most legitimate claim to weight loss. By restricting carbs for the majority of the diet and primarily going off of soups and raw foods some days, weight loss can actually be expected. The change ups in the diet are a little strange, but overall this one isn't bad, and the fresh cabbage soup you need to eat every day can be quite good for you, assuming you're making it fresh and from scratch.

The Acai Berry Detox Diet

What do you do? Drink Acai berry juice everyday with a fiber shake... that's it.

Does it Work? I'm not fond of this diet at all, because it isn't one, and I feel there's quite a bit of deception surrounding it. For one thing it proposes Acai berry as the leading reason for its weight loss, when in reality it's the fiber shake that you need to drink every day that's providing the majority, if not all of the weight loss related benefits. Acai berries have many nutritional benefits. However I believe the push that they're getting for weight loss is unfounded and is just a way to cash in on the VERY expensive Acai juice that sells typically for around $40 for 30 servings, of which you are required to take 2 of every day to truly notice anything at all. If this is a special diet then so is eating fresh fruit and taking fiber every day, oh wait that's called staying healthy!

The Banana Diet

What do you do? You wake up drink some warm water and eat as many bananas as you'd like until you're no longer hungry. Then eat whatever you want for the rest of the day.

Does it work? I think these fad diets are just getting worse. The testimonials behind the success of this diet are sketchy at best, oh and they originated online too so don't place too much in the way of expectations on this diet. If this was actually a structured diet, as opposed to just eating bananas for breakfast then maybe there could be something to it, the way it is though its lacking... Significantly!

What are some weight loss diets for 2009?

Calorie Shifting: Basically using a system that balances out what you eat every day in an organized and easy to follow way you can expect to lose weight effortlessly. Best of all you don't have to stress over each meal trying to figure out if its ok to eat.

The Master Cleanse: If you want to lose weight and you still haven't tried this, then you really need to get on this one. The only people who have done the master cleanse and not lost a significant amount of weight, did not know exactly what they were doing and generally did not follow the guidelines of going onto and off of the cleanse.

Lose 10 Pounds By Next Week From Calorie Shifting Find out how to do it at!


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