Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 Natural Vision Improvement Secrets "They" Don't Want You to Know

If you have been trying out various natural vision improvement and found it too difficult, listen up.

To be frank, in my years of experience helping students rebuild their vision, I can tell you that most people fail to improve their eyesight. The reason is not because the techniques don't work. I've used those techniques and so has thousands others to do it.

So what went wrong?

It's their psychology. As Tony Robbins, one of the world's top motivational speaker, once said, "In anything you do, 80% is psychology and 20% is the how." Most people fail because they started out with the wrong mindset. Here are three most popular misconceptions:

  1. Natural vision improvement is NOT a short term process. It takes a while. It took me 8 months. Some require 2 years though some others only needed only a number of weeks. It depends on your condition but if you go into this with the expectation that this is going to be fast, then you've set yourself up for failure because you'll give up before you even get the first check point.
  2. Eye exercises don't strengthen your eye muscles. They are meant to help you learn good vision habits. The point is to let your subconscious take over control of your eye and the only way to do that is relaxation. So don't think more effort from you to see will fix your eyesight - it will only deteriorate it.
  3. Viewing close distance objects do NOT deteriorate your vision. It's staring (looking without blinking) - close distance or far away - that deteriorates eyesight. Yet most people had the complete opposite concept - staring all day long and look out the window once in a while - still staring! - to "rest" their eyes.

If you like this article, you might want to join my "Perfect Vision For Life Newsletter" for free at Rebuild Your Vision - An offer available only to my Ezine Articles readers.

For articles on eye exercises, please visit my blog where I share more information on good vision habits, eye exercises and supplements I used to get rid of my glasses after having worn them for more than 15 years.

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