Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Learn From My Mistakes and Improve Your Eyesight Twice As Fast

4 years ago when I first heard of natural vision improvement, I got extremely excited in improving my eyesight naturally. Driven by the fact that I will no longer need to wear glasses, I performed the eye exercises prescribed religiously... at least for the first few days.

Guess what?

I didn't notice any difference. Disappointed, I reprimanded myself for being so foolish as to believe such "quackery" and got back to my glasses.

Have you ever something similar happen to you? An event where you were excited to change a part of life and for some reason or another lose that initial enthusiasm? And to justify losing interest, you then rationalize your decision by saying it's not working?

I'm sure you have. Friend, I'm here to tell you that natural vision improvement through vision exercises, like anything worthwhile, requires patience and discipline. It's not something you achieve within days... but rather months or even years.

I know how daunting that sounds but believe me, once you get into a habit of yours to do eye exercises, you wouldn't want to stop! That's why I did 2 years after I gave up. I started doing eye exercises again because by then, I was desperate and had no other choice!

But this time I came prepared. I kept myself motivated and 8 months later, I didn't need glasses for my daily anymore although I don't possess perfect vision just yet.

If someone have told me of this sooner, I would have rebuild my vision two years earlier!

If you would like this article and want to find out more about motivation techniques I use to keep myself motivated in improving my eyesight, you might want to join my "Perfect Vision For Life Newletter" for free at Rebuild Your Vision - An offer available only to my Ezine Articles readers.

For articles on eye exercises, please visit my blog where I share more information on good vision habits, eye exercises and supplements I used to get rid of my glasses after having worn them for more than 15 years.

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