Monday, July 6, 2009

What Makes Color Contacts So Special?

You might know people who wear color contacts (colored contact lenses) and most likely you know what people use them for: to change the color of their eyes. But you still don't really understand what's the point in that, they just change the color of a little part of your already small eyes. No one will notice.. If you thought that way, I'd like to tell you what power color contacts actually do have.

"Will the color contacts really make that much of a difference?" you asked.
What do people usually watch first when they meet a new person? Their eyes.
What do people usually watch when they talk to a person? Their eyes.

You've probably heard at movies, been told or your friend has been told when on a date: "You've beautiful eyes". Yes, some just say that as a cliche flirting attempt, but many really mean when they say that. I, like many others, think a person's two most charming parts are his/her smile and eyes.

I mean don't you just love those eyes that make you feel like they're pulling you deeper and deeper in them and you can't get your eyes off them? Wouldn't you like to have a pair of those eyes yourself? There you have one reason for you to use color contacts.

When you've beautiful eyes your whole appearance will seem much more attractive and brighter. It will also boost up your confidence which will make you again look even more attractive.

I am quite the average looking girl and it was actually quite the problem for me before. I didn't really have much confidence and I was shy to begin with. Especially talking to men was difficult because I thought that they wouldn't be interested in me, but after I got color contacts and noticed how beautiful and shining my eyes had become, my confidence really boosted up. Especially when I often notice people looking my eyes, I can't help but to smile. Of course I know that looking good isn't everything, but for my personality to be able to shine I think that confidence boost of looking and feeling good was very important.

People wear color contacts for different reasons and use different kind of contacts depending on where they will use them. There are those who buy contacts with some special effect or pattern, well generally unnatural looking color contacts. They often wear them at normal/costume parties, with friends, at halloween or maybe at some other event. Those are really fun to use if you want to scare your friends (I mean, won't your friends be surprised when you somehow have vampire eyes) and if you are role playing some character, eyes that fit your character will make you stand out from the rest (if you've read/watched Japanese cartoon series Naruto, you probably know what sharingan is, well those are quite popular when role playing the series).

Those who buy normal color contacts (the natural looking ones) usually use them the same way as many (at least most women) wear make up or buy good looking clothes. It's part of their fashion!

There are also those who'd like to use color contacts, but are afraid because of what people might say. Well they shouldn't be. Like I said before it's just another way to look better and because there are color contacts that are so natural looking, no one will notice. Though, if you change your eye color completely, your friends will probably notice. But if you, no matter what, don't want them to notice, try to wear a color that is close to your original eye color. That way your eyes will still look much more attractive, but they won't notice that you're actually wearing contact lenses.

I've used color contacts for years now and tried various types. At start I used only those that were to close to my original eye color, but about half a year ago when I changed my work place, I started using gray-green colored (my original eye color is brown), because no one there knew me.

So, do you now have a better idea of why so many use color contacts?

If you want to buy or if you are just interested in color contacts visit Then you will find everything you need and have to know to choose the right color contacts for you and where you can buy color contacts without having to pay more than you should.
[ Janette Damon (Cruuge) ]?

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