Sunday, August 16, 2009

For Computer Users - How to Protect Your Eyes

Recently, people gradually start to pay more and more attention about maintenance and self-care. Coming with the popularizing of computers, the topics of protecting eyes become hotter and hotter. This article is written for millions of computer users: Actually, how to protect your eyes goes throughout your whole daily life.

1. Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea is no doubt the best beverage to activate your eyes. Scientists have proved for a long time that it can remove the edema of your eyes and help to relieve lassitude. What's more, it can become a kind of natural external application straightly to your eyes! Wolfberry and cassia are also excellent materials of making eye-protecting tea.

2. A Cup of Hot Water

You are confused, right? What effect will a small cup of hot water bring about? Everybody knows that when a computer user focuses his attention on the computer, the times he winks his eyes reduces from normal average twenty-two to only seven times, so that his eyes feel badly dry. A cup of hot water can promote the humidity of the air and weaken the uncomfortable feelings of eyes. However, remember the most important thing is: to wink your eyes.

3. Plant a Cactus

It is said that a cactus can decrease the radiation of computer because it is born in very hot areas so that it can efficiently absorb the ray of radiation. In addition, it really has an interesting appearance, right? So don't hesitate, plant a cactus in your study room as soon as possible and begin to enjoy your little new friend!

4. Rest and Massage

When you have used computer over two hours, please stop it, stand up and have a 10 to 15 minutes rest. Give a soft massage to your eyes in a circular way. Your eyes are no less fragile than your skin and they cannot bear so much overwork. They need to be protected and treated in a tender way.

5. A Pair of Excellent Glasses

If you are suffering from myopia, remember that never try to buy rough-making glasses, which will definitely ruin your eyes. A pair of glasses with excellent design can ensure you a lifetime benefit so that you must choose it cautiously. Buy a pair of glasses with high quality and low price is a challenging thing, seriously considering the frame and lenses, materials and technology, you will find what kind of glasses really suit your eyes.

How can we live without eyes? They are the most important connection which allows us to feel the world. The work of protection is a long-term and continuously project. As long as you pay enough attention to these details, you will improve yourself. Just remember that: Protecting your eyes is protecting your life.

For Computer Users: How to Protect Your Eyes
By Cissy

Copywriter of
A 23-year-old girl. Have a deep love for family and life.

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