Saturday, August 8, 2009

Opaque Color Contacts

To buy color contacts, you need to know the terms to buy correct contacts, right? You don't probably want to pay for wrong type of contacts. You've heard of opaque color contacts, but you are not sure what they are? Well, that is no problem since I will explain you it now.

To buy color contacts, you need to know the terms to buy correct contacts, right? You don't probably want to pay for wrong type of contacts. You've heard of opaque color contacts, but you are not sure what they are? Well, that is no problem since I will now explain it to you.

Opaque contacts are also called dual color. The difference between opaque and "normal" (single color) color contacts is that instead of just adding some color to your eye, they change it completely (of course just color part, iris, not the white area). So they add a different color layer to your eyes which doesn't show your original color at all.

Which one should you buy then? If you have originally dark colored eyes then you want to get opaque because if you get those that just add color (enhance it) to your eye then it won't make much difference for dark eyes. So single colored are recommended for only those with light colored eyes because it will actually have effect on their eyes. If you want to completely change your eye color then you should buy opaque color contacts. Like I mentioned, if you have dark eyes these are really the only ones that have proper effect on your eyes, but theatrical/costume contacts also work for dark eyes (but you can't really get the natural look with them).

Will the they then look more unnatural than the normal ones? You could think so because single colored use your original eye color as the base and opaque ones remake the color completely, but actually there have been made completely natural looking opaque color contacts . You can buy them from most proper stores. Though I don't doubt that there are also many unnatural looking ones so remember to do your research.

If you need more information about color contacts then I recommend you to check my blog Buy Color Contacts Online

There you can find all you need and have to know about color contacts before and after buying them. You can also find there information about different types of contact lenses, for example about halloween contacts.

[Janette Damon (Cruuge)]?

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