Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Treatment For Amblyopia and Lazy Eye Correction

One of the most common eye conditions in children is what is known as Amblyopia, better known as lazy eye and a question that many people ask is if there is such as thing as lazy eye surgery.

To define, lazy eye is a condition that causes reduced vision from the brain not recognising what is being seen by the amblyopic eye. The condition unfortunately cannot be corrected using traditional methods such as prescription glasses or contact lenses. It is important that lazy eye is not confused with intermittent strabismus or tropia.

Strabismus and tropia are conditions where the eyes are turned and the most common symptom is being cross-eyed. Intermittent strabismus is when a sufferer looks at something their eyes sometimes deviates from the normal direction of the target. If this deviation occurs all the time it is regarded as constant strabismus. Deviation is considered normal in infants up to 6 months old.

Baby laze eye symptoms are not as easily recognised as strabismus by a parent of even normal paediatricians. An eye specialist is recommended for examining for this condition.

Adult amblyopia can usually be avoided during the crucial eye development as a baby. It is important that a baby does not have anything interfering with their sight during the first 6 years of their life. Some things to look out for are signs of strabismus, incorrect or different prescriptions in each eye or infections.

When the brain realises that an eye is seeing things with a blur or a strain the brain will take less notice of that eye and put its energy towards the good eye. This leaves one being weaker than the other.

Before you think about how to fix lazy eye, you should see an eye doctor and take part in some of the diagnostic tools available. If you are a parent then it is important to have your baby or child's eye sight regularly tested to pick up the problem early.

At present the treatment for amblyopia cannot be achieved by using LASIK or other refractive eye surgeries. This is because it is a neurological problem and not a fault with the eye that can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

You can usually fix lazy eye with treatment if the sufferer is under the age of 17. Adult amblyopia is a lot harder to correct. When young, simple procedures such as special eye drops or a kids eye patch can strengthen the weakened eye to resolve the issue. It is possible to get back to 20/20 vision if it is detecting when under the age of two. Eyerobics can also help and improve the vision and is suggested for adult amblyopia sufferers.

As technical and medicine advances, it may not be long before lazy eye surgery is possible.

Written by Troy Johns

Before you make a decision on having lazy eye correction or treatment, find out the other important factors and more information of the latest in lazy eye surgery at our site.

You will not regret it!

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