Saturday, July 9, 2011

If My Dad Is Bald, Does That Mean I'M Gonna Be?

The short answer is "Maybe". It has been a long-held belief that if you want to know if you will lose your hair as you get older, you need to look at your mother's father. This conclusion came from a study done in 1916 and is way out of date. Current thoughts are that you can inherit baldness from either your mothers or fathers side of the family.
Types Of Hair Loss
In general hair loss is known by the Greek word alopecia. Alopecia actually means "mange in fox". There are many different to lose your hair. Some of the different types of hair loss are:
  • Telogen Effluvium- This is the second most common type of loss today. This type of loss can be caused by illness, medicines, trauma or diet.
  • Alopecia Areata- This is the loss of round patches of hair from the scalp. The direct cause of this condition is not known.
  • Ringworm- Contacting ringworm may also cause you to lose your hair.
  • Scarring Alopecia- This occurs in about 3% of all hair loss victims. This condition replaces lost hair with scar tissue.
But the most popular type of hair loss today is male or female pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia. This type of hair loss is inherited from either your mother or fathers family.
Symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness
When you see pictures of men with male pattern baldness, you will usually see men with a complete bald spot on top of their head. But by this time it is to late to take action to stop your hair loss and re-grow your hair. But before you get to this point, there are some symptoms you can recognize and take action to prevent further loss and re-grow your hair:
  • Increase In Amount Of Hair Loss: Normally people lose between 50 to 150 strands of hair. More than that indicates abnormal amount of loss and should be looked at.
  • Receding Hair Line: Male pattern baldness can also be recognized by losing your hair from your forehead and receding back along the scalp, forming what looks like the letter "M".
  • Hair Loss At The Crown: This condition is also identified by losing our of hair at the crown on your scalp.
Will I Be Bald Like My Dad
That all depends, if your mother's side of the family had full heads of hair, you may escape going bald. That is if you inherited your mother's genes. If you inherited your father's genes, the chances are good you may start losing your hair because of male pattern baldness.
So to answer the question on if you will be like your bald Dad, the answer is Maybe. The best things you can do is watch for symptoms of hair loss due to male pattern baldness, and then take immediate action to stop the hair loss and re-grow your hair.
Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair. He wants to help other people learn what he has learned, on dealing with loss of hair and re-growing hair.
He operates the web site

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