Rachel Ray is a renowned cook, a talk show host and author of several best seller books. She is most known for her 30 minutes recipes. Her idea of cooking says that one should fast yet healthy. She uses a lot of creativity in her cooking. Recently she invited guests like Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone & Dr. Mehmet Oz on her show. Both the specialists along with fitness guru Mr. Bob Greene are the guides for Oprah Winfrey who is trying to reduce her weight.
On her show both the specialists recommended what they have suggested for Oprah Winfrey - the dynamic duo of acai berry & colon cleansing diet. Rachel Ray has also suggested the same for quick weight loss. She has a rather no-diet approach. She believes that crash diet is just no solution. One should have every thing but with in a limit.
Acai berry is a wonder fruit from the Amazon Basin. This grape like fruit from Brazil's rain forests is very rich in the anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, fiber & fatty acids. It naturally reduces the appetite. It also cleanses the colon by removing the toxins blocking it. It removes the solid wastes the block the intestine. It also removes the fats & cholesterol stored in our body. Further, acai stops any further blockage of fats, cholesterol & toxins in the body.
Here are Rachel's tips on weight loss:
? Note with which food you gain the most weight. And avoid it as much as possible.
? Do not eat just to accompany some one. Do not eat if you are not hungry.
? Do not skip your meals.
? You must know what you want from your weight loss - that is inches loss or pounds loss.
? Drink water in place of soda.
? Do not eat any fast food.
? Take lots of raw fruits & vegetables.
? In case you get time, do not sit idle. Exercise moderately when ever possible.
Oprah is getting slimmer and healthier, now its your turn to get the Dynamic Duo!
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