Monday, February 9, 2009

Wu Long Tea - The Next Big Thing in Weight Loss!

There has been much hullabaloo in recent times of a seemingly incredible new (new to the western market, old-as-the-hills from where it originates) variety of tea that goes by the name of oolong or wu long slimming tea. Wu long is thought to be approximately 400 years old, though this is arguable, with some Chinese historians asserting it is as old as two millennia.

Wu long tea, like all other variety of teas, derives from the Camellia Sinensis plant but is unique due to its preparation. Wu long ranges from green to black depending on the sub-variety which once again hinges on its preparation as well as exposure to oxygen (oxidation). Below in point form is a summary of Wu long tea's key benefits with emphasis on its main claim to fame - it's alleged weight loss properties.

Is Wu Long Tea Really Slimming?

The long and short of it is yes. Several studies that are readily accessible on the interest suggest that when wu long tea is ingested frequently and consistently on a daily basis, it has a significant effect on the human metabolism. Some studies suggest that it can potentially double the the EE (energy expenditure) rate of regular drinkers and even more impressively, block the body from absorbing carbohydrates as fat stores. Equally impressive is that its effect can last for up to two hours after ingestion.

The distillation of much of the research that has been conducted, is that caffeine, which incidentally occurs in much lower level than other teas, combined with a unique antioxidant dubbed EGCG, works in tandem to increase fat oxidation. Taking a balanced view of wu long's effects in the context of significant fat loss, it is no panacea, but rather, a very handy and powerful accompaniment to a dietary or exercise regime. It is important to realize that a mere cup a day will not serve a weight loss purpose, instead, five cups a day spaced in two hour intervals would be most effective.

Substituting your daily fluid intake with wu long tea would likely be the easiest way for people to proceed. When the weight of all the available evidence (only a google search away) is assessed, Wu long Slimming Tea, as its namesake suggests is indeed a legitimate weight loss tool. Wu long's benefits do not stop there, however. Amazingly it has a slew of other potent salubrious inducing properties that make it a very compelling choice of beverage....

Anti aging and anti cancer effects

Wu long tea contains a powerful group of antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols assist in deactivating unstable and damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals have not only been linked to accelerated aging but all the major degenerative diseases such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. Drinking wu long tea frequently and over a long period can potentially protect the body against these diseases and more than likely extend a persons life expectancy.

A Strengthened Immune System

Recent research conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School, suggests that drinking wu long induces the body's production of Gamma T cells. Gamma T cells play a major role in defending our bodies against viruses, parasites and infection.

Healthier Teeth

Research conducted an Japan's Osaka university suggests that drinking wu long regularly, helps to protect against oral streptococcus, as it contains natural antibacterial agents.

In summary, wu long tea, aside from it's heavily marketed, albeit legitimate weight loss properties, provides many potent and important health benefits. For those wishing to utilize wu long tea for weight loss purposes it can be an effective tool but special effort must be made to drink numerous cups a day (somewhere in region of five) and be consistent during the usage period to see maximum results. For those who wish to improve their general health, stave off disease and potentially increase their life expectancy, wu long is an excellent cost effective option as an everyday beverage.

Written by Joel Jacobson
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