Saturday, March 7, 2009

3 Exercises You Must Perform to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss

Losing weight is straightforward when you boil it down to 0's and 1's: you need to burn more calories than you consume. It's that simple. If you create a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight; if you create a calories surplus, you'll gain weight.?Unfortunately, many people sabotage their weight loss efforts by eliminating the number one fat burner that occurs naturally in their bodies: their muscle.

Your body requires energy to function, and bodies with more muscle mass require comparably more energy to function, and that energy is supplied in the form of calories. It's therefore obvious that the more muscle a body has, the more calories it will be burn for energy. If your food intake remains constant, then increasing your amount of muscle will? result in weight loss.

Considering that, there are three must-perform exercises for those who want to lose weight by exercising:

Back Squats: these are the traditional squats that you've probably performed since you were a child. The distinctive factor with back squats is that you want to keep your feet flat to the floor and press your buttocks backward as you lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Perform these slowly with a straight back, hinging at the waist when you need to, but not slouching. Squat down for a full two-second count and rise with a one-second count, not resting at the top.

Pull-ups: pull-ups are dreaded because they're difficult -- and they're difficult because they work. Pull-ups are great fat burners because they work your back, shoulders, and arms at once. Like squats, part of their effectiveness comes from the fact that the corresponding muscles are so large, and therefore require more energy to perform the movements. This is an immediate benefit; the longer-term benefit is the gain in muscle mass. When performing pull-ups, emphasize the negative contraction, lowering yourself slowly. If you can't perform many (or any), start at the top of the movement and very slowly straighten your arms to lower yourself.

Burpees: these are a variation of the traditional squat thrust. To perform a burpee, squat to the ground, plant your arms shoulder width apart, and thrust your legs backwards into a low plank position (chest just touching the ground). Spring back up into a frog squat, explode into a stand and finish with a hop.?Perform in sets of 10 or for 30 seconds at a time. Whereas squats and pullups are done slowly, burpees are an explosive move.

While these exercises might not seem like much on paper, when you stack them into a workout, they are amazingly effective. Perform 12 squats, then perform maximum pull-ups, followed by 10 burpees, with no rest between exercises. This is one set. Rest for 30 to 45 seconds, and repeat this for a total of four sets. Your total workout time should be about 12 minutes.

You'll hate me and love me for how you feel afterwards. So just try it -- you'll be amazed at how effective this quick workout will be!

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Jared is a fitness and weight loss enthusiast, and writes about innovative and effective workouts on his blog and web sites. To learn about the fitness program Jared most highly recommends to burn the most calories, visit Jared's muscle workouts site.

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