Monday, February 16, 2009

Stop Binge Eating and Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

Do you suffer from binge eating? This is a very common eating disorder, and can make it difficult to lose weight. You can overcome it however -- discover how in this article.

Binge eating is a very common disorder, with an estimated two per cent of the adult population in the United States suffering from it. While many sufferers are clinically obese, some are not. However, because sufferers eat unhealthy sugar and fat laden foods, their health is impaired.

Researchers believe that although dieting doesn't trigger binge eating, attempts to diet can make binge eating worse. Therefore, don't try to confront your bingeing head-on by going on a diet.

Be gentle with yourself.

1. What Triggers Your Binges?

Often, your binges are triggered by your emotions. This can be so even if you're not consciously aware of this, because it's happening below the level of your consciousness. Many sufferers find that a food diary helps.

When a binge is over, write down what you were doing on the day before the binge occurred. Be detailed. What were you doing? Who else was there?

You may find that certain people and situations trigger binges.

2. Focus on Eating Well, Rather Than Losing Weight

Although you want to lose weight, forget about dieting until your binges go away. Instead of dieting, focus on eating well. Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have healthy snacks throughout the day.

Binging can lead to ill health because you're missing out on vitamins and minerals, so ensure that your everyday diet is as healthy as possible. Eat whatever you enjoy, as long as it's healthy.

2. Sleep Disorders Can Lead to Binging: Develop a Sleep Routine

Ensure that you have sufficient sleep. When you don't get enough sleep, it disturbs your metabolism, and over time, cutting down on sleep makes you hungry, so that you eat more.

Go to sleep early, and ensure that you get a full eight hours. Sleep is essential, to restore and repair your body. Many binge eaters have found that ensuring proper and sufficient sleep cuts down on the number of binges.

Although binge eating leads to weight gain, never confront it head on. Focus on getting healthy, by eating and sleeping well. As your health improves, your binges will decrease. You may never need to diet to lose weight at all.

Stress relief can help you to control binge eating. Learn about stress relief at Julia Denham's Just Stress Relief Blog at Hypnosis is also a useful tool if you suffer from binge eating. Julia teaches hypnosis and self hypnosis strategies at Hypnosis Wins at

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