Thursday, October 22, 2009

Omega 3 and the Retina - Discover How the Best Fish Oils Can Improve Your Vision

Many recent studies are showing how omega 3 and retina health can be maximized by a daily fish oil supplement containing high amounts of DHA fatty acids. Age related eye disease can be slowed or even halted by this natural substance, as long as you select carefully.

It is known that omega 3 fatty acids, and particularly DHA, play an important role in the layer of nerve cells in the retina, being a significant part of the human brain and central nervous system as well.

The US National Eye Institute says that omega 3 reduces the risk of age related blindness by over 30% in a recent study and found that it helps the eyes by acting as an anti-inflammatory, one of the key features of any good fish oil.

The problem is how to get the most DHA as most oils today contain far more of the less useful EPA. To get the maximum omega 3 and retina benefits you need to know how to find the right fish oil supplements as many offer little or no benefits.

The DHA level is crucial as this fatty acid provides most of the benefits, not only for your vision but for many other ailments too like heart disease and brain health.

Look to get at least 250mg of DHA per capsule with a 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA to reap the maximum rewards.

The purity of any oil will also determine how successful it is and any oil you select should have undergone molecular distillation to remove the harmful toxins like mercury and lead. Pure oil will also eradicate any of those fishy burps you may have experienced before!

One of the best fish for this purpose is the New Zealand Hoki as it's very high naturally in DHA and low in contamination, coming from one of the cleanest oceans on earth.

Now you know the best omega 3 for retina health you can help to protect your vision from future problems or substantially reduce the symptoms if you currently have any vision issues.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the very latest and effective DHA omega-3 fish oil supplements that Rich recommends after extensive research.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Better Vision Programs - Using Simple Exercises

I remember as a young person talking to my friends about which of all our senses would we most hate to lose, and I believe eyesight was usually the sense that we mostly agreed upon. Yet we have become so dependent on contact lenses and glasses that losing our eyesight is something that is taken for granted as we get older. It doesn't have to be that way; in fact there are simple steps that we can all do to ensure that we don't have to lose our eyesight. There are better vision programs that teach how to improve eyesight using simple exercises.

The first sure fire way to improve your eyesight is to make sure that you rest your eyes often, if you work on a computer all day make sure you take breaks often and relax your eyes, take a short walk and look around you without straining your eyes. Getting enough sleep at night and eating well is also an important part of good eye care.

Many people use the following method for relaxing the eyes, an exercise called palming. This exercise requires you to sit at a table and rest your elbows so that your palms are at eye level. You then close your eyes and cover them with your cupped hands preventing light from getting to your eyes. Now it is important that you breathe slowly and see the grayness change to dark blackness. If you do this for about ten minutes, three times a day you will soon see an improvement in your eyesight.

So, my friend, I hope you will take the time to investigate for yourself these better vision programs and discover what many people have already learned. It is possible that you can throw away your glasses or contact lenses and have perfect vision again. There is much to be learned, much more than I could teach you in one short article, but if you check out my web site you will find how to get the information you need.