Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Eye Protection For Farmers

Eyes are precious and even a moment of carelessness can cost your time, money and even your eyesight. Eye protection is even more important if you are working on a farm. A number of hazards exist on the farm such as exposure to chemicals, dust, flying objects, farm equipment etc. To avoid these hazards, farmers should use protection equipment for the eyes, know about first aid for eye injuries, and above all they should be careful

Eye Injury Causes:
Eye injuries on the farm can be caused due to several reasons. One of the common hazards is spray cans, which contain chemicals that can harm your eyes. To avoid chemical eye injury, one should use the spray cans carefully. The spray cans should be kept in a safe place away from kids

Certain farm equipment which chop or grind, can expel soil, rocks, foreign objects into the air. These flying particles can get into the eye and cause injury to the bystander or the operator. Hence, farmers can avoid such incidents by shielding the farming equipment and keeping people away from the path of the equipment

While all farmers need to keep their farm equipment running by servicing them regularly, most of the farmers tend to get injured while servicing the equipment rather than operating. Simple hand tools can strike the eyes and cause severe eye injury. To prevent this, farmers should use appropriate tools while servicing and they should wear eye protection

Eye Protection:
Protective eye wear is the primary way in which you can prevent eye injuries and proper selection of it is vital. While selecting the protective eye wear, make sure it fits properly and is comfortable to wear. The eyewear should be durable, easy to clean and disinfect, and it should not obstruct your vision or movements. You can use the following eye wear for protection:

  • Industrial rated glasses/sunglasses that fit over ordinary glasses: You can wear these to protect your eyes from flying particles, objects etc. You can also add side shields for added protection
  • Splash goggles: Splash goggles protect your eyes from agricultural chemicals. Welding goggles are recommended when you are working with sparks and lights
  • Full face shields: Full face shields are comfortable and offer good protection for the eyes. For farmers who wear glasses, sunglasses etc. full face shields are important. The face shields should be fire-resistant and should meet the industrial quality

Farmers should avoid using contact lenses while working with chemicals. The protective eye wear should be cleaned, disinfected and kept in dust-proof containers. If it has any repairs, it should immediately rectify. Avoid using the eye wear if it outdated.

First Aid for Eyes:
First aid for eyes depends upon the type of injury to the eye:

  • Particles, specks: They are usually washed out by natural tears. Avoid rubbing. If they remain, consult a physician
  • Blows: If the eye is injured due to a blow, apply cool compresses for 15 minutes and repeat this once in an hour to minimize the swelling and pain. If there is eye discoloration, puncture, or cuts etc. apply a bandage and consult a physician immediately
  • Chemicals: If your eyes are exposed to chemicals, irrigate them with fresh water continuously for 15 minutes. Consult a physician and take the label or the container of the chemical along with you

Eyes should not be neglected as farming involves many hazards to the eye. Eyes can be protected the best if farmers use protective eye wear and be careful while doing daily activities. This will enable farmers to carry out their work safely and effectively.

To find out more about Amitabh's work and read articles written by him visit his Eyecare Tips website

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3 Simple Eye Exercises to Reverse Myopia

Does age really have anything to do with the deterioration of your eyes? That was the question I asked myself a while ago when I first met my grand-uncle. He was about 75 years old then but never needed a pair of glasses to see. Nor did he suffer from any sort of eye problems like astigmatism or cataract.

As a 20 year old who have worn glasses her whole life, I can't resist the opportunity to ask him about his secret. Of course, I was skeptical of his answer in the beginning. After all, I was told, over and over again, by optometrists and teachers in my school that improving vision naturally is impossible.

But as I did my own research, the truth is undeniable: Thousands of people improve their vision naturally using a slight-variation of the methods my grand-uncle showed me. The method is called Bate's Technique. So I bought a course of natural vision improvement and just about 8 months, I no longer need glasses for my daily life!

Now, you must be wondering what the method entails. Let me show you 3 simple, yet effective, eye exercises you can try out and see for yourself:

  1. "Sun" your eyes. Take 10 minutes everyday, close your eyelid and expose it to the gentle early morning sun. Swing your head left to right as you're doing it.
  2. "Palm" your eyes. Close your eyes with your palm to block out all light. Do not use anything else but your palm.
  3. Reduce the amount of time you wear your glasses or all the eye exercises in the world wouldn't help. Glasses causes strain and if you continue to wear them, your eye will not "learn" how to see on its own ever again.

If you like this article, you'll like my "Perfect Vision for Life" newsletter, available free for a limited time only. You can visit my Eye Exercises website to subscribe.

Kathy Chan was a long time sufferer of myopia but is now glasses-free. She is now spreading the word through her website where you can learn how to naturally rebuild your vision.

What is the Right Dosage of Lutein For Children and Adults?

What is an appropriate lutein dosage? Is it possible to get too much? We've only known about the benefits of lutein and some of the other carotenoids for a few years. So, information is not always easy to come by. Here you can learn a little more about the carotenoids and how much you should be getting every day.

Carotenoids are responsible for many of the colors that you see in vegetables. They are divided into to two groups; carotenes and xanthophylls. The carotenes include alpha and beta-carotene and lycopene. The xanthophylls include lutein and zeaxanthin. All of these act as antioxidants in the human body.

Other antioxidants include vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, catechins, curcumin, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, l-carnosine and l-glutathione. L-glutathione is probably the most potent antioxidant, but it is rarely found in nutritional supplements, because only the reduced form can pass through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream.

A supplement containing it would need to include an enteric coating. Otherwise, it would be broken down to its three component amino acids, which would not have the desired effect. Some other antioxidants, such as curcumin are quickly degraded by stomach acid, too. Very little ends up in the bloodstream, if they are not protected by an enteric coating.

If an enteric coating is included on the supplement, an appropriate lutein dosage would be 50mg. No minimum daily requirement has yet to be established for the nutrient. No upper limit has been established. If it is like the related beta-carotene, there is no upper limit for intake, because the body uses what it needs to form vitamin A and the rest is simply discarded.

At very high dosages, any of the carotenoids will cause a bronzing of the skin. This may be undesirable or desirable, depending on the person.

For children 5 and up, an appropriate lutein dosage is 10mg. It's interesting that some of the anti aging supplements that are purported to help the elderly retain their vision contain only 10mg. Some of them don't contain zeaxanthin or other carotenoids, which are all important to the health of the eyes.

Finding a good supplement is always difficult. 85% of the supplements on the market contain synthetic beta-carotene. It may comes as a surprise to you that our vitamin supplements, which are supposed to be good for our health are synthesized from petro-chemicals. It's no wonder that the benefits are questionable.

A good supplement will contain an appropriate lutein dosage and 100% all natural ingredients, no chemical additives, no artificial preservatives colors or flavors. There are a growing number of healthcare professionals who believe that cancer and a variety of other illnesses are due primarily to our exposure to artificial additives and toxins in the environment.

It takes years of research to get regulating agencies to see what scientists have seen in the laboratory. Right now, it's up to the consumer to try to find the most natural products on the market. A good lutein dosage is good for your health, but not if the other ingredients are synthetic. Shop with care and be healthy.

Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years researching the claims of anti aging supplements and skin care products to find out which ingredients and products are most effective at slowing or even reversing the aging process. If you are interested in restoring your youthful vigor and appearance then visit her website http://www.NaturalBalanceSupplements.com to learn more.

Preserve Vision Through Nutritional Supplements Containing Lutein

Can you preserve your vision with lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lycopene and other carotenoids? Researchers have looked at that question on several different occasions. They have not always come up with the same answers, but it could be because of the quality of the supplements that they chose to use in the studies. Many of us are of the opinion that "natural" would be the best choice.

As yet, there have been no studies comparing the efficacy of a synthetic versus a natural. It might even come as a surprise to you that artificial vitamins exist. Ten years ago, I was unaware that the ingredients used to fortify inexpensive foods like white bread were synthetic. I would have never imagined that the base compound used to create these synthetic vitamins was petroleum. They belong to a large group of synthetic chemicals called petrochemicals.

Now that I know the truth, I am very careful about anything that I put into my body. I do hope to protect my vision with lutein and other nutrients, but I only buy the highest quality supplements that contain all natural ingredients.

There are a growing number of health experts in the mainstream medical community who believe that many of the problems that commonly accompany old age are due not to the natural aging process, but to exposure to petrochemicals and other toxins in the environment. The body has natural processes to rid itself of these toxins, but when a person is exposed to thousands of different ones on a daily basis and is even eating them, there is no way for the body to cleanse itself.

The main reason that we may be able to preserve our vision with lutein is due to a age-related eye disease called macular degeneration. There are many risk factors for the disease, including family history, but there are dietary risk factors, as well. High intake of dietary fat and being overweight or obese are among them.

If you or someone you love has a weight problem, here's are a few suggestions. Start eating more natural, non-processed foods. Skip the artificial preservatives and the fortified breakfast cereals. Stop drinking sodas, especially diet sodas. Drink water, coffee, green tea, juices and herbal teas, instead. Take a good multi-nutritional supplement every day.

If you want to protect your vision with lutein, the better anti aging nutritional supplements contain it. They also contain a variety of plant extracts and nutrients that are beneficial for people that are overweight or obese. If you don't think that an overweight person could have a nutritional deficiency, think again.

Doctors are finding that most of their overweight patients have a vitamin D deficiency. That's a very simple vitamin, but difficult to get through diet, alone. Milk is fortified with it, but, it's not fortified with the natural form of the vitamin.

Other nutrients are even more difficult to get in the diet, because they are present in such low quantities. For example, for people that want to protect their vision with lutein, 10-50mg per day is recommended, there are no foods that provide that much in a single serving. So, take a supplement, just be sure the ingredients are all natural.

Valerie Rosenbaum has made it her mission to provide the public with information supporting the use of natural and clinically tested ingredients in their anti aging supplements. The best nutritional supplements will include a full complement of over 70 bio-active ingredients to create a healthy balance of nutrients and antioxidants within the body. If you want to look and feel younger then visit http://www.NaturalBalanceSupplements.com to learn more.

5 Simple Foods That Contain Lutein to Preserve & Enhance Eyesight

If you're wondering how much lutein is in food, this article will give you the information that you're looking for. Including the antioxidant in your daily diet is a good idea, especially to reduce your risk of age related eye diseases, such as macular degeneration. There may be other benefits, as well. So, here are the foods that are good sources, along with how much you would need to eat every day.

Recommendations for daily intake vary. No minimum daily requirements have been established. You will not see the nutrient listed on food packaging. But, judging from the scientific studies, 10-50mg per day is necessary to protect the long-term health of the eyes.

That's not to say that people who don't get that much have poor eyesight. No studies concerning that have been done. The studies that have been done focused primarily on macular degeneration and at least 10mg has been necessary to slow down the progression of the disease.

When we are talking about how much lutein is in food, we are talking about the average or approximate amount. The nutrient content of vegetables varies greatly. Organic vegetables appear to be the most nutrient rich, but soil and weather conditions have a lot to do with it, too. So, these values are approximate.

Let's look at what you would need to eat to get approximately 20mg per day, because that's a little more than the minimum and could make up for variations in nutritional content. In order to get 20, you could eat:

  • 91 grams or 3.25 ounces of kale
  • 123 grams or 5 ounces of collard greens
  • 181 grams or 6.5 ounces of Swiss chard
  • 158 grams or 7 ounces of cooked spinach
  • 202 grams or 8 ounces of mustard greens

If you were wondering how much lutein is in food, those are the best sources. If none of those happen to be on your daily diet, a dietary supplement is an option. Actually, even if you do eat one or more of those foods every day, supplementation is still a good option.

Lutein is not the only nutrient that is necessary for good vision and continued health of the eyes. Zeaxanthin, a primary component of the macula, is also important. The amount of zeaxanthin in foods is even lower.

You see, lutein is in food, but not in large quantities, that makes it a micronutrient. At one time, scientists did not believe that micronutrients were important to human health. Only the basic vitamins and minerals were considered essential, because without them, deficiency disease would occur.

Today, more and more healthcare professionals are coming to the realization that those basic nutrients are not the only important elements of the human diet. In order to wipe out deficiency diseases, fortified foods were developed. Vitamins were added to flour, milk and other common foods, to increase their nutritive value.

That meant that people could basically exist on white bread and milk, but they didn't get any of the micronutrients present in "real" foods. Your daily multi-vitamin probably contains about 30 different ingredients, but there are over 50 different micronutrients that they do not contain.

Now that you know a little more about how much lutein is in food, you might want to take the time to learn about what a complete nutritional supplement can do for you.

Valerie Rosenbaum has made it her mission to provide the public with information supporting the use of natural and clinically tested ingredients in their anti aging supplements. The best nutritional supplements will include a full complement of over 70 bio-active ingredients to create a healthy balance of nutrients and antioxidants within the body. If you want to look and feel younger then visit NaturalBalanceSupplements.com to learn more.

What Good is Lutein?

If you're wondering; what is lutein used for, you've come to the right place. Until recently, its most common use was as a natural coloring. It would be added to foods to impart colors ranging form yellow to orange-red, depending on the amount that was added. It imparts these colors, because it absorbs blue light.

It was also used to fortify chicken feed. A chicken's skin is not naturally yellow, unless it eats lutein-fortified feed. A fortified diet, of this kind, also results in eggs that have a darker yellow, nearly orange, yolk. The lutein that is present in eggs is a result of chicken's eating fortified feed. Chickens do not naturally produce it. It is produced primarily by plants.

As long as fruits and vegetables are consumed, it is a nutrient included in the human diet. It is just one of the reasons that eating fruits and vegetables (other than white potatoes) is so important.

If you are wondering; what is lutein doing in nutritional supplements, the answer has mostly to do with the eyes. Inside of the eye is the retina. Light receptors called rods and cones are found in the retina. These are nerve cells responsible for transmitting signals to the brain and receiving signals from it.

Each of the rods and cones contains a membrane composed of protein and retinal or Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiencies can cause blindness, but a more common problem, night blindness, is due to a lack of it in the diet.

Another component of the retina is the omega3 fatty acid called DHA. It is the most abundant fatty acid found in the retina, as it is in all nerve and brain cells.

Within the retina is found the macula, a spot in the back of the eye, responsible for central vision. A high concentration of lutein, along with zeaxanthin, is found in the macula. If you were wondering what is lutein, because you have seen it in a health supplement, zeaxanthin was probably another ingredient. Zeaxanthin is the dominant pigment in the central macula. Lutein dominates in the rest of the macula.

Both are members of the carotenoid family of pigments. Beta-carotene and lycopene are also carotenoids. Beta-carotene is converted within the body to vitamin A.

At one time it was believed that only beta-carotene was important to healthy vision. Now, it appears that the other carotenoids are just as important. If you ate a salad containing spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, carrots and tomatoes, you would get a mixture of all of the carotenoids. If you took a health supplement, you might only get beta-carotene. You would have to read the label to be sure.

You could be wondering what is lutein because your eye doctor suggested it as a dietary supplement. You may be at risk of macula degeneration, an age related eye disease that can result in partial or total blindness. It is believed that supplements containing a variety of carotenoids, along with other vitamins and minerals may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. That covers what is lutein. Maybe you should learn about the other nutrients that are important to good vision, for life.

Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years researching the claims of anti aging supplement products and skin care products to find out which ingredients and products are most effective at slowing or even reversing the aging process. If you are interested in restoring your youthful vigor and appearance then visit her website NaturalBalanceSupplements.com

3 Eye Exercises to Better Vision

My grand-uncle, who turned 75 years old, just a few weeks ago lives in Hong Kong (a very crowded urban environment, if you haven't been there) and he was one of the top lawyers back in the 50s up until he retired. Imagine the stress and the amount of time he spent staring into law books with impossibly small text. He should be wearing a really thick, ugly pair of glasses right?

So you can picture my amazement when he told me he never needed glasses his whole life. Practically everyone in the family needed one except him - and he's the one who read the most books, often in dim places.

As someone who've started wearing glasses since she was 8 years old, I have to ask him what's his secret. "Eye exercises" was his reply. There are many he explained but let's start with 3. Thus over the next few weeks I find myself doing research on this... "eye exercises". Sounds like quackery to me.

I tried the 3 eye exercises he told me and my eyesight didn't improve - though my eyes do feel rejuvenated everytime I do it. So I decided to buy a course over the internet and in blind faith, I did it religiously over the next 6 months or so. Just about 8 months ago, I didn't need glasses for my daily life anymore.

I would love to tell you what the eye exercises are but as my grand-uncle said, let's start with 3.

  1. Palming. Place your palms over your eyes and close your eyes. Do this at least 10 minutes for every 3 hours of intense eye activity such as staring into the monitor.
  2. Sunning. Close your eyes and expose them to the gentle morning sun while you slowly swing your head left to right.
  3. Focusing. Place two pebbles 30 cm apart and try to see one of them only.

Due to space and linking limitations, I can't go into the details and principles behind these eye exercises. But I've set-up a website where you can find out not only why these eye exercises work, I also share more eye exercises you can use to rebuild your vision.

Non Prescription Color Contacts

The color of your eyes makes a big difference in the way that other people see you, because colors in a general way create different feelings in people. So if you are looking to portray a certain feeling or message with your eyes you can use non prescription color contacts to change the color of your eyes. If you don't need an eye correction you can get color contacts with no magnification in them.

When it comes to getting non prescription color contacts there are some precautions you want to take. By doing things incorrectly you can get infections or damage your eyes. It's never worth risking the functionality of your eyes to change the color of your eyes.

The first thing you want to do is get your color contacts from a reliable source. A company that is well known like AC lens, 1-800-contacts or even straight from your eye doctor. To get contacts from a reputable place you will probably need a prescription.

Now this doesn't mean that you need to have a prescription for magnification. All it means is that you will have to have an eye exam with your doctor to verify that you don't need any magnification in your non prescription color contacts. You will also need a fitting which they can do at the same time. Every eye is a different size and shape and that's why you need a fitting.

Also you never want to share your colored eye contacts with family members, friends, or anyone. This is one of the main causes of eye infections is the sharing of color contact lenses. Also each set of contacts is meant for just 1 person because it was fitted specifically for that persons eyes like mentioned earlier.

Non prescription color contacts are perfectly safe to wear if you do i the right way. Just remember th take these precautions. To some eyes contacts of any kind do cause irritation. Sometimes it just takes time to get use the them. You can get your contacts in a variety of colors and they even have ones with crazy effects for Halloween and costuming.

You can get discounts by purchasing your color contact lenses online after receiving an eye exam and "prescription" from your eye doctor. Some places will give discounts for buying multiple boxes at once as well. You can sometimes even find companies that will do free shipping by buying online.

Color contacts ca be for anyone and work great for making good first impressions. Eyes say a lot about a person and you can really use them t give a specific impression, whether it is while trying to get a new job, going on a first date, or any other situation you want to impress someone.

Writen by Danielle Matheson: For more information visit http://www.nonprescriptioncolorcontacts.blogspot.com

Improve Your Eyesight With 3 Simple Eye Exercises

About two years ago, desperate to find a solution to improve my eyesight, I jumped on the internet to find a solution. I love surfing and when you surf, you cannot wear your glasses - not even contact lenses. Your only possible solution would be to wear a prescription goggles but frankly, anyone would look stupid wearing goggles while surfing.

Two years ago, I joined a small local surfing tournament. Obviously there are going to be a lot of local press taking pictures of the contestants in action. What I found on the internet saved me from substantial embarrassment.

Out of desperation, I put aside my doubts and tried the eye exercises anyway. I did it religiously and 6 months later, I managed to reduce my prescription to a stage where I no longer need glasses to see (though I didn't have perfect eyesight just yet). There are quite a few of them, obviously, but due to space limitations here, I'll share just 3 of the simplest ones:

  1. This first one is one of those things that sounds too simple to have any great effect. But I want you to try it anyway. Do it for at least 10 minutes, everyday just after you wake up, just before you sleep and every time you find your eyes getting tired. It's called palming and all you do is block out all light by placing your palm on your hand.
  2. This second one is the exact opposite of palming. All you do is close your eyes and expose it to the morning sunlight. If it's too bright, don't force it. While your eyes are facing the sunlight, swing your head, slowly, from left to right. This is called "sunning". Sun and palm alternately to train your eyes to adjust to darkness and bright situations.
  3. It doesn't matter how much eye exercises you do, if you keep wearing your glasses, your eyes will never learn how to see clearly on its own. Of course, take caution in this.

Now, as I said, due to space and linking limitations, I can't go into the details. If you like this article and would like to learn more eye exercises, you can visit my website where I share my journey from wearing a -5.50 glasses to -1.00 in 8 months.

Katie Chan is the owner of Rebuild Your Vision Naturally blog where she shares information on good vision habits, eye exercises and supplements she used to get rid of her glasses after having worn them for more than 15 years.

How Are Prescription Eyeglasses Made?

Many, many people across the country and across the globe need some sort of vision correction in order to be able to see well enough to perform even some of life's most basic functions. Things like reading a newspaper or deciphering the symbols on a traffic sign would be almost impossible for some people without the help of corrective lenses - what's surprising though is that with all of the people who have an inherent need for corrective lenses, very few actually know how their prescription glasses are actually put together.

Making corrective lenses actually begins at the point of the eye exam, a person is examined by an eye care professional to determine what their prescription is - and then that information is sent off to a lab. Once the numbers are in the technician's hand, he or she will determine what type of prescription blank is closest to the corrective requirements. The prescription blanks are preformed lenses that are flat on one side and curved on the other and most commonly made of impact resistant plastic. The thickness of the blank selected will be determined by the corrective needs of the individual patient. The prescription lens blank is expertly ground done by the technician until it will provide the corrective properties that are needed by the wearer.

Once the appropriate curvature for the prescription ahs been reached, the edges of the lens are then ground down to fit the frames that were pre chosen by the patient. It's at this point in the process that the lenses will be specialized if necessary with things like tinting or UV protection.

Then lenses need to fit securely into the chosen frames so it often necessary to heat them in order to make them pliable before insertion into the frames occurs. Once the lenses are securely installed into the frames it's time for everything to be cleaned up, packaged and shipped out to your eye care professional for you to pick up.

Though the process doesn't sound incredibly difficult, it is a very exact science - even a minor error on the part of the technician could render the glasses useless to the patient, so the utmost care and precision must be exacted with every single lens that goes into the grinding machine.

Once you get your glasses, you must exact great care in making sure that they don't become damaged. Some frames are made to handle abuse, they are flexible and can almost bounce back from instances that would have destroyed and older set of frames - even though the technology with lenses has come a long way they still aren't capable of holding up well to excessive abuse. If your lenses get scraped up or heavily scratched, it could be back to square one, prescription lenses can't be ground down to remove marring because that would end up changing the prescription of the lenses and therefore effect the vision of the owner.

If you exercise the caution that you should when wearing your prescription glasses, damaging them shouldn't be a very big concern but if you are careless in either the handling or cleaning of your prescription lenses you may find that you need a new pair much sooner than would normally be necessary. Prescription glasses can be costly because of the work that goes into producing them properly, most people can't afford to be replacing a pair of prescription glasses more frequently than is necessary as a result in a change to their prescription. So think about all the care and hard work that goes into crafting your prescription glasses before you do any undue damage to them through improper handling.

Contact lenses eyeglasses offers great purchasing tips and product reviews on all the most popular types of contact lenses and eyeglasses. Before you purchase a pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses online be sure to check out the great shopping info at contactlenseseyeglasses.com!

How to Read a Prescription For Glasses

If you go to an eye care professional for all of your optical needs, then reading your eyeglass prescription is something that you may never have to worry about. However, if you ever plan on trying to order a pair of eyeglasses online without visiting the optician's office it's imperative that you know how to properly read your prescription it you want to get a pair of glasses that you can see out of.

You prescription will often be delivered as a pair of numbers - one number under the Latin abbreviation of OS (your left eye) and the other under the Latin abbreviation OD (your right eye). The farther away either number is from zero in either direction (plus or minus) the worse your eyesight is and the more correcting your vision will need for you to be able to see clearly.

If the numbers in your prescription are in the positive it means that you are farsighted, or that you have problems with seeing things close to you; if the numbers are in the negative it means that you are nearsighted or that you have difficulty viewing objects that are far away.

If you suffer from astigmatism you'll see three numbers in your eye glasses prescription - the first of which will represent both of the numbers seen in a prescription of a person who doesn't have astigmatism, the second number will represent the severity if the astigmatism - the larger the number here the greater you are effected by the astigmatism. The third number in the prescription of a person who suffers from astigmatism will be between zero and one hundred and eighty and this number reveals the location of the astigmatism. For proper corrective treatment of astigmatism, the technician making your lenses needs to know the location of the astigmatism in degrees as well as the level of severity.

Each of the numbers that you see in your eyeglass prescription is crucial to the final result, the numbers may be whole numbers or they may be fractional (like 1.25, representing one and one quarter) and the exact number is required for you to be able to see clearly. The numbers represent "diopters" which is the unit of vision correction from which your lenses will be manufactured. If you are off by even a fraction of a point when relating the information of your diopters, your glasses may not be as precise as they need to be to properly correct your vision. When relating all of the numbers and symbols of your eyeglass prescription for an order it's imperative that you be precise or you will receive a pair of glasses that won't properly correct your problem.

There are other considerations when contemplating ordering prescription glasses online that don't necessarily have to do with your prescription itself, but that could seriously affect the corrective properties of your glasses. The most common number not represented in your prescription that you'll need to know when ordering glasses online is the distance between your pupils, or your PD. There's a good chance that your PD will be imprinted somewhere on your old glasses, if you've still got them - if you don't the number isn't all that difficult to get. You'll need a ruler that measures in millimeters and a mirror. All you do to get you PD is to look straight ahead into the mirror and hold your ruler directly below your eyes to measure the distance between the centers of your pupils. The most common distance for a PD is between 58 and 70 mm, so if your distance is either well under 58 or well over 70, you might want to measure again.

Reading your prescription and ordering glasses without visiting the optician is certainly possible, but if you have any questions about what you're reading it's highly advisable to visit your eye care professional to be certain that you get it right - eyeglasses are expensive and you certainly won't be able to return a custom pair, so make sure you get everything right before you make anything final.

Eyeglasses contact lenses is your online resource for contact lenses and eyeglasses buying tips and reviews. Before you decide on a pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses, be sure to check out the great info at eyeglassescontactlenses.com!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Eyelid Surgery For Men is a Great Way to Restart Your Job Hunt

With America's fast crumbling economy, joblessness is on the rise. Even those in the most secure of industries are finding themselves uncertain about their futures. For many, this means seeking out new employment for the first time in decades.

Whereas in the past, skills, and accomplishments were enough to ensure employment, with the number of job seekers now, even those aren't necessarily enough. With the average age of potential employees increasing, it's essential to look as confident as possible. And unfortunately, the effects of aging can do much to lower one's self esteem.

Eyelid surgery is not an increasingly popular operation among males, but it's not even just a cosmetic one either. In some cases it can even improve vision. With these types of procedures on the rise, costs are not only very feasible but affordable too.

For aging males, all the exercise and proper dieting in the world can't prevent your skin from naturally aging. It causes many to look much older than they feel. And that can stop many in their pursuit for healthier lives. Eyelid surgery is great for those looking to not only appear rejuvenated, but to feel that way inside, too.

While patients over the age of 18 are potential candidates for this surgery, the majority are 35 and older. The numbers tend to skew younger in some cases, such as instances where eyelid problems run in the family. Candidates should lead healthy lifestyles and plan on continuing to do so following surgery.

This can correct certain features but will not completely erase all signs of aging. It's important to have realistic goals before going in. It can help ease swollen looking upper eyelids. It can also smooth the look of puffy looking bags underneath the eyes.

While these both help males to look younger, it cannot change what are known as crow's feet and the dark looking circles that can appear under the eyelids. But the changes are still drastic. Only a small percentage of males who get eye lid surgery don't feel a noticeably marked difference with an even smaller percentage actually regretting it.

There are conditions which can exclude an individual from such a procedure. Patients who suffer from glaucoma are normally excluded, as are those who suffer from tear-duct related problems. Heart problems, hyperthyroidism, blood pressure issues, and diabetes also highly raise the risk of potential complications. Bone structure is also an issue which can disqualify those from the procedure.

The cost of eyelid surgery varies greatly, largely depending on the region of the United States in which it's performed. On average, it costs anywhere from $2000 to $7000, depending on how extensive the work is, and the experience of the surgeon. There are several different types and each influence the overall price. This includes lower, upper and laser work, with each successive level typically more expensive.

It's important to discuss with a doctor what's best for your circumstances. So check out eyelid surgery and feel your most confident when seeking new employment opportunities.

In San Jose, eyelid surgery is performed with a conservative approach that minimizes the risk of complications that can occur when operating through the lid from the outside. Visit http://www.enhanced-you.com to see how you can benefit from this facial rejuvenation procedure.

Are You Taking Enough Care of Your Eye Health?

A pair of eyes can easily be called a human being's most prized physical possession. Eyes are associated with the sense of vision and enable a human being to perceive the world around one through the act of seeing. So eye care is extremely important to one's sense of well-being and health. Natural solutions as well as solutions based on medication are available to deal with eye problems like puffy eyes, baggy eyes or the wrinkles around the eyes. Eye health care needs to be given primary importance and visiting an ophthalmologist at regular intervals can ensure good care for the eyes.

Are you serious about keeping fit? If you are serious about issues relating to eye health, make sure you get regular eye check ups since as we age, our body parts breakdown and the eyes are especially at risk. This is why, it's essential to stop problems with the vision from developing. In the case of the eye, taking care of it and preventing problems is better than looking for eye cures. So what do you need to do? The age-old way of retaining your vision and taking care of your eyes is the ingestion of various vitamins, especially the much essential Vitamin A. A moderate intake of minerals also helps keep the eye in shape. One can even try eye exercises which can help keep the eye in perfect order. If you take proper care of your eyes, it can actually slow down the degeneration of the eye as one grows older. Macular degeneration of the eye can be reduced with proper treatment. Get a hold of the correct eye exercises and have healthy foods that give your eyes nutrition in form of vitamins and this might reduce chances of injury, disease, loss of vision due to strain or accidents.

One should do a glaucoma test done once every year. It isn't anything dangerous. All they'll do is blow a puff of air into both eyes once at a time. Although it isn't very comfortable, it is a very important test, since glaucoma is very tough to detect and sometimes it is detected after having done a lot of damage.

When it is detected in its early stages, it is usually easier to treat. The damage due to glaucoma is permanent which is why people should go visit the doctor more often. This is another reason why it is important to have screenings for this deadly disease which usually starts by affecting one's peripheral sight. If you don't go for eye checkups regularly, glaucoma can affect your nerves which are destroyed before anyone gets a hold of things.

Eye drops usually clean the eyes and act as a lubricant. Many eye care products are overflowing in the markets these days, and can be purchased at any medical shop. The best eye care product is what one should buy, so check them again and again before you get them.

Experiment with light and different colored backdrops to the text you are reading. For some children, who are either dyslexic or partially so, the white background to a black text, appears too bright. To avoid this, use paper which is not white but either off-white or cream colored. When one's young, if one can take precautions, one can prevent a lot of eye problems as one gets older.

Take vitamins meant for the eyes in the organic form, that is, through fruits and vegetables, than through chemical medications, since they are less effective. Now you will be able to see clearer and hence, try and keep your eye healthy and free of diseases.

Suzanne Hughes is an online eyewear style consultant who loves helping those new to eyeglasses find the perfect pair of reading glasses. For great styles of eyeglasses, including mens and womens reading glasses, sunglasses, and folding specs, be sure to visit her website.

How to Choose Your Eyeglasses

Wearing eyeglasses is a necessity for many people around the globe. But many of them often think wearing eyeglasses will rob them of their looks and styles. However, this is absolutely not true. Eyewear doesn't have to make you look geeky or awkward.

In fact, with the right eyewear, your looks can be changed completely. The right pair will make you look sexier, more appealing and striking. Your glasses are the first thing that people notice about you. So choose your glasses very carefully, because the right choice will make all the difference in your life.

Choose glasses that go with your look - We all have a unique style; we all look different from each other. So what suits another person might not suit you. Hence, when buying your eyeglasses, be careful that you try on every pair and find that pair that looks the best on you. The important thing is to choose eyewear according to your face. The shape of your face determines whether you should go for rounder frames or squarer frames. Your eyes determine whether you should have your glasses angled. As for the size, if you are an outgoing person who is not shy at all, you should go for a big bold statement. On the other hand, if you are the delicate type, choose something smaller and thinner.

Branded eyewear - The first thing to remember about branded eyewear is that just because they are branded doesn't mean that they will look great on you. You need to be just as careful choosing them as you are with unbranded pair of glasses. The thing to make sure is that your eyeglasses should compliment your looks perfectly. If the brand you are looking at doesn't have frames that you like, you should move on to other brands and consider unbranded glasses. The right look should be off prime importance to you and you should also feel comfortable in your new glasses.

Choose according to your personality - What you choose to wear on your eyes will also depend on what kind of a person you are. That means you have to understand your personality and what goes with it. It will also depend on your place of work if you will be wearing your glasses to work. Within average corporate companies and conservative work places, wearing bold and unusual eyeglasses might work against you.

You also need to comfortable with the way you look. If you are not at ease with your glasses then they won't look good on you. If you are part of a workplace that is very open minded and independent, where you can experiment with your looks; you can try out bold and colorful glasses in unusual shapes. But make sure that you feel good in them, or else it won't work for you.

Thus if you choose your glasses correctly, you can turn then in to a fashion statement rather than a fashion faux pas. Always remember to have your eye prescription with you when buying glasses.

Suzanne Hughes is an eyewear style consultant who specializes in reading sunglasses. Visit her website for great glasses and styles from top fashion designers such as Clic reading glasses, Scojo Vision, Seeqa and Others.

3 Eye Exercises to Improve Your Vision

Are you having trouble improving your eyesight through conventional means? Try eye exercises.

Just about 4 years ago, I undergo LASIK surgery in an attempt to improve my eyesight - despite its many possible side effects. My eyesight did improve but my joy lasted only a few months. My eyesight soon deteriorated and it became worse than it was before the surgery.

Here's my point: LASIK corrects only the symptom of a much bigger underlying problem. That problem, according to Bates, is the straining of the eye muscles. If you want perfect eyesight, there's only one you can do - relax your eye muscles. One of the best ways to do that, in my opinion, is doing eye exercises.

Here are 3 of them for you to start off:

  1. Palming. This is one of the most beneficial "eye exercises" that you do for your eyes. First place your right palm on your right eye and do the same for your left eye. Do it in such a way that your left fingers is on top of your right fingers. Be careful not to be pressing your eyes and make sure there's as little light reaching your eyes as possible. This "eye exercise" relaxes your eyes muscles and you should do it every time your eyes feel strained and tired.
  2. Focusing. Place two pebbles (stones or anything like that) about 30 cm apart. If you have perfect eyesight, you shouldn't have a problem with looking at one of them only. People who are myopic, on the other hand, would see both pebbles at once. While you're trying to focus, remember to take it easy, breathe deeply and blink!
  3. Would someone who have broken a leg be able to start walking again if he continues to use his crutches? No! Although technically not an exercise, you should significantly cut down the amount of time you wear your glasses whenever it's safe to do so. This allows your eyes time to adjust and recover.

Would you like to learn more eye exercises. I have set-up a website where you can find more information about them. Visit my website now to find out how you can naturally rebuild your vision.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lose 7 Pounds in One Week - Diets and Workouts to Lose 7 to 10 Lbs of Abdominal Fat in One Week

Abdominal area is very easily noticeable once you gain weight .Pounds of fat starts getting accumulated under There are various diets and workouts available to lower your waist line. These would help you lose 7 pounds in one week.

Here are some diet options to help you get rid of Abdominal Fat:

Lose 7 Pounds In One Week: Diet 1

Acai Berry Diet:

Acai is a highly nutritional fruit from the Amazon Rain forest in Brazil. This fruit is termed as the 'true superfood' for the dieters. It has been accepted as one of the most effective means of weight loss by the dieters. Here are the ways how acai berry diet helps you get fit:

? It helps you lose 5 to 20 pounds in a few weeks only.

? It has high fiber content that helps you lose the extra fat accumulated in the body.

? Helps you attain flat belly by removing fat from your abdominal area.

? The healthy fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6 & omega 9) present in this fruit makes the fat cells dead as they make you gain weight.

? It has no side effects so; it is the safest weight loss option for you.

Lose 7 Pounds In One Week: Diet 2

Colon Cleansing Diet:

Colon cleansing is the process to remove the harmful substances like the toxins and fecal matter from your body. Colon cleansing diets too help in weight loss in the following ways:

. These diets have high amount of fiber content.

. These are rich in anti oxidants that flush out the fecal matter as well as the extra flab.

. It helps the digestion process work properly by eradicating the toxins.

Along with diets, you also need a few exercises for quick weight loss. Here are few exercises and workouts that can prove effective to cut off Abdominal Fat

Lose 7 Pounds In One Week: Exercise 1

Moderate Exercise:

Moderate exercise for 30 minutes daily are required. A brisk walk or simple jogging will help you, provided exercise is done at the right time. The best time is early morning and just before you sleep at night.

Lose 7 pounds a week: Exercise 2

Cardio Exercises:

If you are really enthusiastic for easy and long term weight loss, you must try some cardio exercises. It would keep you in proper shape.

Lose 7 Pounds In One Week: Exercise 3

You may switch to yoga & meditation to Lose 7 To 10 Lbs Of Abdominal Fat In One Week.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

Click here ---> Fat Burning Diet

Everybody from Dr Oz to Oprah have been talking about the dynamic duo for weight loss. To know more or request free samples

Click Here --> Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today

Lose 50 Lbs in 2 Months - Can You Really Lose 40-50 Pounds of Fat in 2 Months With Juice Fasting?

Losing 50 lbs in 2 months is a tough & risky target. You might come across innumerable diets that promise this sort of weight loss. But they are quite harmful. Usually it would be the liquid or the so called miracle diets. The liquid diets keep you completely deprived of the food. They make you survive on juices only. Do you think that starving yourself would help you lose 50 lbs in 2 months in a safer way.

Side effects of losing 40 to 50 pounds within 2 months with Juice Fasting:

? If taken for more than 10 days, this diet might land you up in a hospital.

? It causes immense health issues like fatigue, lethargy, headache, crankiness, etc.

? The food schedules in such programs are very strict and indeed hard to follow.

? It deprives you of all essential nutrients that are a must to keep healthy.

? Instead of reducing your fat this meal plan churns your muscle mass.

? The lost weight can easily be regained once you stop using the diet.

? You always feel inactive & lazy.

Here are some ways to lose 40-50 pounds of fat in 2 months effectively:

? Acai Berry Diet- Acai Berry Diet does not have any side effects and helps to lose 50 lbs in 2 months. This is an Amazonian grape frown on palm tree in rain forest of Brazil. It is traditionally used by the Central & South Americans for over 20 years to get rid of their digestion issues and to increase their energy levels. You can take this diet supplement along with your regular eating habits as well. This fruit is very rich in the nutrients like vitamins, proteins, fibers, healthy fatty acids & amino acids.

? Colon Cleansing Diet:This diet helps in weight loss along with the detoxification of your body and helps you lose 50 lbs in 2 months along with complete removal of toxins and parasites.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

Click here ---> Fat Burning Diet

Everybody from Dr Oz to Oprah have been talking about the dynamic duo for weight loss. To know more or request free samples

Click Here --> Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today

Woman Over 40 Weight Loss Plan - Anti Aging Diets and Workouts For 40 Plus Women to Look Younger

Weight Loss plan for a woman over 40 should be slightly less rigorous. Aging may disrupt the process of weight loss due to hormonal imbalances and less metabolism. Everyone wants to look beautiful and ageless. They never want to flaunt those ugly wrinkles and those bulk of unwanted fats. They admire their beauty looking at the old photographs. They want to look the same.

If you are feeling the same, then you don't have to worry because you can easily regain your charm by consuming anti aging diets while your weight loss dream can be easily fulfilled by performing fat burning workouts. Age reversal process and weight loss is possible now with the advent of so many weight loss and anti aging diets like Acai berry and colon cleanse diets.

Anti Aging Diets And Workouts For 40 Plus Women To Look Younger

Acai Berry Diet: This diet is considered to be the best diet for losing weight. Even Oprah Winfrey followed this diet program with sheer dedication for shedding those extra fats. She was successful in her venture. This diet consists of acai berries, which can stimulate fat burning in your body by encouraging the metabolism. They can also keep away hunger. It is the healthiest weight loss plan for shedding those extra pounds for a woman over 40. They also have mood enhancing properties.

Fat burning workouts such as brisk walking, aerobics and running are usually advisable. These cardio workouts can generate enough metabolisms in your body. Drinking lots of water is equally important for loosing weight.

Colon Cleanse: In order to look young and slim, one should do colon cleansing. It eliminates all the toxic substances from your body with ease. It cleans up those extra fats in your abdominal area too.

Dr Oz, Oprah Winfrey & Rachel Ray have all endorsed the Dynamic Duo! for Weight Loss,Anti Aging & Total Body Detox.

Click Here For Free Trial ---> Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse

Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.

Visit ---> Free Acai Trial

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today.

Weight Loss and Muscle Building - Can You Develop Muscles & Lose Weight At the Same Time?

In order to develop muscles and lose weight at the same time, one should undergo a strict dieting as well as workout regime. Most people try to achieve them by undergoing surgeries or eating supplements, which can be extremely harmful for our body. One should lose weight and gain muscles naturally. There are many ways to burn fat and flaunt well-toned muscles. Following natural means is the best way to achieve them. A good workout and a proper menu containing proteins and minerals can create this magic within a month.

Most people try to undergo low calorie diets in order to lose weight, which is not the healthy way to lose weight, the energy levels decreases due to this types of diet and a person becomes ill.

Can You Develop Muscles & Lose Weight At The Same Time?

Combination of Cardio Workouts, balanced diet and weight exercises can do this wonder. It can easily discard the extra pounds from your body and help your body to get a well-toned body.

. Cardio Workouts: Running is the best way to start any exercise. In order to lose weight, you should run for 30 minutes daily. After running you can do some free hand exercises and then you should concentrate on various body parts like legs, arms, thighs and chest etc. You can divide your exercises according to your body parts. Drinking water is very important in order to keep your body hydrated.

. Food: You should eat lots of proteins in order to gain energy and muscles. You should also eat acai berries in order promote metabolism in your body which will burn fat. You should completely avoid fats during the entire session of losing weight. You should take 5-6 small meals in a day in order to burn fats and develop muscles.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

Click here ---> Fat Burning Diet

Everybody from Dr Oz to Oprah have been talking about the dynamic duo for weight loss. To know more or request free samples

Click Here --> Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today

Woman Over 50 Weight Loss Plan - Diets For Over 50 Women to Burn Fat and Look Younger Safely

Women over 50 can easily burn fat and look slim by undergoing a healthy weight loss plan. It is always advisable to take a healthy and less strenuous way for shedding those extra pounds. Undergoing low calorie diets and surgeries can be extremely dangerous, because of the slowdown of metabolism in the body at this age. In order to achieve a well-toned body and look beautiful, one should take up safe and easy diets and exercises.

Cardio exercises like running, aerobics and walking are the best exercises for weight loss at this age. Brisk walking is usually preferred more for women over 50. These exercises can be easily performed in your neighborhood park. You can also take up jogging in order to burn fat. You should drink enough water after your workouts to maintain the temperature of your body. Exercising thrice a week is sufficient to burn fat. You should take proper rest after these cardio workouts. Never miss your beauty sleep in order to look younger safely.

Diets For Over 50 Women To Burn Fat And Look Younger Safely

. Diet like Acai Berry is best suited for women over 50. They contain acai berries, which can generate metabolism and burn fat in your body. The diet plan is extremely safe for a middle-aged woman. They can also enhance your mood by their special mood enhancing properties. Combining your regular workout regimen with this diet plan can make you lose weight healthily.

. High fiber diets: You should consume lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits in order to lose weight. You can even eat lean meat and fishes during your weight loss session. You should take smaller meals daily in order to generate more metabolisms.

Dr Oz, Oprah Winfrey & Rachel Ray have all endorsed the Dynamic Duo! for weight loss & total body detox.

Click Here For Free Trial ---> Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse

Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.

Visit ---> Free Acai Trial

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Lose Weight and Enjoy the Outdoors!

If you want to lose weight and you like being outside then you need to listen up. For starters, whether you are a beginner or an experienced person in exercise that has gotten off track then you need to get back on track! I mean literally you need to get back on a track and walk, run, jog, cycle, or climb. These are all obvious things that we can do outdoors and you don't have to go very far to participate in these actions. Running trails can be walking trails and walking trails can be running trails. Look for an open outdoor environment and start moving yourself away from civilization. If you walk far enough away from you house or car then you absolutely know one thing. You know that you eventually have to go back. You can't stay stranded so it forces you to get your exercise.

The key to being physically fit is to be physically active. Now yes there are effectively planned and structured workouts that are intelligently thought out for specific purposes, but if you just want to lose weight then you need to actually start! Get outdoors with a friend and either walk, jog, play golf, or cycle. Another great thing to do is to carry a weight while you are out moving around. You can carry and lift a kettlebell and stop at intervals to execute certain lifts if you are that experienced. If you are not that experienced then find a hill to climb or do a series of push-ups. The bottom line is that you must do what works outdoors. The good news is that being outdoors offers many physical challenges that make your workouts easy as far as the planning. Nature will plan your workout session for you. Take the time to discover this and you will no doubt reap the benefits.

Enjoy the outdoors, but while you are at it get something from it. Work at getting active. Don't miss out on life!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Oprah Liquid Diet - What Oprah and Beyonce Say About the Liquid Detox and Weight Loss Diets

Most of the people in the world usually opt opt for quick weight loss diets as they are looking for instant result. Most controversial of them are liquid weight loss diet and liquid detox diet. Dietitians say that these diets help you lose weight within few days only but this is only at the cost of your health. Many Hollywood actresses have taken up this liquid diet to get back in shape and they have faced criticism to promote this wrong example for the ones who idealize them.

Recently actress Beyonce Knowles shifted to liquid diet for weight loss. This liquid weight loss diet mainly featured the following drink: water, cayenne pepper, maple syrup & lemon juice. Beyonce took at least 10 glasses of the drink in a day. When ever she felt hungry, she switched over to one drink. The doctors say that anyone who follows this diet more than 10 days would surely land up in a hospital. As the news say, she did it for 10 days only.

Beyonce clarifying her stand says, 'If it was not a requirement for the film, I would never have done this. It made me feel cranky & fatigued. I lost my focus & concentration as well. Besides, this weight loss did not last for long. I soon gained back my original waist size. I am sure that I do not recommend it to any body under any circumstances.'

Oprah Winfrey also strongly refuses for this option. She took up liquid diet in the year 1988. Oprah's liquid diet was taken up for 4 months continuously as she had to fit into the size 10 jeans. Now she always mentions that she regrets those 4 months. Oprah says, 'If I had ever known that I could lose weight with solid diets as well, I would never have shifted to this unhealthy resort. It deprived me of all the nutrients as a result of which I always felt weak and fatigued. My face became dull and lost all its charm.'

Now, through her talk show she always says, 'the best way to detox your body with liquids, the ultimate option is taking 10 glasses of water every day. Rest stick to a balanced & timely diet with the basic rule - eat less & work more. You shall always stay fit, healthy and internally detoxified.'

Dr Oz, Oprah Winfrey & Rachel Ray have all endorsed the Dynamic Duo! for weight loss & total body detox.

Click Here For Free Trial ---> Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse

Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.

Visit ---> Free Acai Trial

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today.

Best Tummy Exercise - Secret Ab Toning Exercises For a Flat Tummy and Slim Waistline

The importance of best tummy exercises is indispensable in order to obtain a sleek and sassy look. They help your body to get a proper shape. Flaunting a flat tummy is desire of every human being, extra fats around the stomach area make you look undesirable. Everyone craves for a slim waistline. It becomes extremely difficult to wear your favorite attire without a flat stomach. You look clumsy in your outfits with those belly fats. The urge continues as we struggle everyday to look our best. Tummy exercises are the best option to reduce your waistline effectively providing you with desired physique. Abs Workouts can be one of the effective step to maintain your waistline in a proper way.

It's the time to flatten your tummy rather than whining about those unwanted fats. Good abs workouts can be very beneficial for obtaining the right kind of physique. Combination of proper nutrition and some good best tummy exercise is highly beneficial for your body to gain a slim waistline. It is always advisable to avoid junk food, smoking and excess drinking during the entire program.

Secret Ab Toning Exercises For A Flat Tummy And Slim Waistline

Cardio Exercises: They are the most effective abs toning exercises for flattening your belly. Running, swimming, hiking, and brisk walking are the different forms of cardio workouts. They involve all your body muscles and generate lots of metabolism in your body. The whole process helps your body to burn calories and lose more weight. It is always advisable to drink lots of water daily. Another abs workouts is kickboxing. It helps your body to tighten your tummy fat. The process mostly includes your legs and your abs. In order to bring more energy to your legs during kickboxing, you eventually need to get flat tummy muscles in a toned manner.

Rope Climbing: If you are an adventurous type of person. You can do rope climbing and even rock climbing as a part of best tummy exercise. They can reduce your fats and offer you a slim waistline. Rope climbing is one of the effective abs workouts as it tighten your abs and provides perfect shape to your physique.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

Click here ---> Waist Slimming Diet The Metabolic Diet Plan, Fat Burning Diet

Everybody from Dr Oz to Oprah have been talking about the dynamic duo for weight loss. To know more or request free samples

Click Here --> Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today

Best Belly Exercise - Top 3 Belly Exercises For Women to Shed 2 to 3 Inches From Waistline & Abs

Many people struggle to wear their favorite garments because of that extra fat in their belly. Their unexciting wardrobe tortures them. The whole idea of getting a slim waistline is to look stunning and more desirable.In order to shed those ugly flab and look more beautiful, one should do the best belly exercises. The enhancement of your entire look depends upon the level of fitness. You should feel healthy and rejuvenated from inside after opting for belly workouts.

Top 3 Belly Exercises For Women To Shed 2 To 3 Inches From Waistline & Abs

Cardio Workouts: They are the best belly workouts for shedding 2 to 3 inches from your waistline and abs. Brisk walking, running, swimming and aerobics are the most preferred exercises to reduce waistline. They generate more metabolisms and help your body to burn more fats. The involvement of all your muscles during these exercises keeps you fit and helps your body to attain a slim waistline.

You should drink enough water after these belly workouts in order to maintain the perfect body temperature. Some other adventurous exercises like hiking and kickboxing can also help your body to lose that extra flab easily. They not only provide you with slim waistline but also prevent you from deadly diseases like heart cancer and diabetes.

Crossover Crunches : These belly workouts are quite beneficial for flaunting a slim waistline. The effective posture of belly workouts help your body to tone up your muscles around your tummy. Doing this exercise thrice a week can provide you a slim waistline.

Yoga: These belly exercises refreshes your mind, body and soul. There are special yogic postures for slimming down your waistline. In order to get an enchanting experience, try yoga that can help you shed 2-3 inches without any excursion.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

Click here ---> Waist Slimming Diet

Everybody from Dr Oz to Oprah have been talking about the dynamic duo for weight loss. To know more or request free samples

Click Here --> Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today

Lose 15 Lbs in a Week- How to Lose 15 to 20 Pounds of Body Fat With Juice Fasting?

In order to lose 15 Lbs in a week juice fasting seems to be a healthy option. Most people undergo different types of diets, exercises and even surgeries in order to lose weight. Nobody likes the extra burden of fats on their body. Obesity creates many problems such as diabetes, heart diseases etc that makes you shapeless and unattractive.

Undergoing a very low-calorie diet is like starvation. One should completely avoid these types of diets. They can be harmful for your body. In order to lose weight healthily, one should do juice fasting. They completely detoxify your body and revitalize all your organs. They also stimulate enough metabolisms in your body and burn lots of calories thereby losing 15 lbs in a week time.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor before undergoing juice fasting. You can perform this process for two consecutive days and should resume this process after an interval of five days in order to get the best results.

How To Lose 15 To 20 Pounds Of Body Fat With Juice Fasting ?

. Consumption of only fruits and vegetables is the best way to shed those extra pounds of weight from your body. This diet helps your body in detoxification. You can't eat anything other than fruits, vegetables, fruit juices and spring water during the diet. Taking liquid diet is extremely necessary to lose 15 to 20 pounds of body fat with juice fasting.

. You can also have fruit salads and vegetable salads during juice fasting. They are rich in minerals and vitamins and low in fats. In order to lose 15 Lbs in a week, one should continue this diet for two days.

. Fruits like grapes, acai berry and apples should be eaten more. Continues consumption of these fruits throughout the day generate metabolism in your body and stimulate enough fat burning eventually making you lose 15 lbs in a week.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

Click here ---> Fat Burning Diet

Everybody from Dr Oz to Oprah have been talking about the dynamic duo for weight loss. To know more or request free samples

Click Here --> Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today

Lose 21 Pounds in 23 Days - Find Out How to Quickly Drop 21 Pounds and Keep it Off Permanently!

How would you like to lose 21 pounds in 23 days....without starving yourself, and you get to eat NORMAL foods? Well, take 2 quick minutes out of your day to read this article and learn about the top online diet plan to lose pounds of stubborn fat fast and permanently!

Two of the most common types of diets you see nowadays are low calorie diets and nutrient restriction (carbs/fats) diets. Contrary to those billion late night T.V. ads you see promising a lot of weight lost using those systems, they are highly ineffective and actually are pretty unsafe for your body. When you do low calorie diets, you will end up slowing down your metabolism. When you do nutrient restriction diets, the same thing can occur plus so much more!

What you want to do in order to lose pounds fast is firstly make sure you do not starve yourself, and secondly, boost your metabolism.

There is an excellent diet program out called calorie shifting from the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program that will teach you alternate the calories from the foods you eat on a daily basis so that you can raise your metabolic rate to the highest point.

Wait, how does that work?

Well, your body is used to what and when you eat daily, and your metabolism will adjust to that. Now, when you alternate the calories from the foods you eat constantly, you will end up confusing your metabolism but with using a powerful trick from the calorie shifting system that will have you drop pounds and burn off fat incredibly fast!

So, if you are ready to lose 21 pounds in less than 1 month, then I highly recommend for you to look into and tryout the calorie shifting system from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Lose 21 pounds and melt fat off your body in THREE WEEKS by using the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click http://www.fatlossin11days.info to learn more and get started today!

How to Lose Weight With Resveratol - Finally! Blast Away Your Belly Extremely Fast (Beach Time!)

Who else is really ready to lose weight extremely quickly? If you are reading this article and need to lose weight.....the simple truth is that the faster you can make it disappear, the better off you are going to feel, right? It's true.....no one EVER wants to lose weight slowly, and for many of us who have struggled with our bodies over a long period of time, it seems like no diet ever lives up to it's promise.

So what is Resveratol, and how can it help me lose weight?

Easy! The simple and straightforward answer is that resveratol is the "secret" ingredient in red wine that many scientists and health practitioners think gives it it's health benefits. Resveratol is actually found in the skin of grapes, is a potent anti-oxidant, and according to a growing number of mainstream scientists, may actually hold the key to extending HEALTHY human life and activity for decades longer than we currently accept as normal.

Ok....but how will Resveratol help me lose weight?

Good question! one of the primary benefits that it seems to have is it's uncanny ability to keep off weight EVEN when caloric consumption goes UP! Sounds pretty amazing, don't you think? It's still in very speculative stages of research, but in lab settings with mice, (which emulates human response) the little furry creatures kept LOSING weight, even when their calories were upped, and their bellies were stuffed beyond full. Similarly, the "French Paradox" stipulates that while the French population eats a diet very rich in calories, fat and heavy creams, they have a much lower obesity rate than Americans, a smaller body index and far less cardiovascular and heart health problems to boot. (which is the exact perplexing phenomenon that began Resveratol testing in the first place)

Isn't this all just another fad diet idea?

No, it doesn't appear to be. Contrary to most other odd approaches to weight loss, this seems to be well accepted by many mainstream doctors, and losing weight seems to be only the very TIP of the Resveratol iceberg. Many believe that those who start early on enough will live far longer, healthier and happier lives than those who don't....or who start to late instead. (very exciting stuff indeed!)

How do I Get Resveratol in my diet?

Good question....and a very common problem! You can either drink a LOT of wine....or simply start with supplements instead..:-) Popular products like ResVer Xp have exploded onto the marketplace, and offer 50 MG of Resveratol in each and every serving. You can get all the incredible weight loss, anti-aging and potentially LIFE extending benefits of resveratrol in a highly concentrated extract, without ever drinking a glass of wine with all those extra calories. (or stumbling out of the house every morning..:-)

Also, you can check out Real Resveratol Reviews like these that will help you make a smarter, more informed, and ultimately BETTER buying decision as well!

Weight Loss and Healthy Nutrition - Seven Tips

Want to lose weight and be healthy too? Weight loss without watching what you eat will not only set up a never-ending yo-yo dieting spiral, it can also trigger health problems. Here are seven new nutrition and weight-loss tips to help you drop pounds in a healthy way.

1.? Start each meal by eating veggies. Veggies are loaded with vitamins and minerals as well as with fiber, so you will feel full quicker. If you start each meal with proper nutrition, weight loss will quickly follow.

2. Put away the salt shaker. A new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control says that two out of every three Americans need to reduce their salt intake to no more than 1,500 mg per day to avoid problems such as high blood pressure. Too much sodium will make you retain water and cause you to gain weight. For proper nutrition, weight loss and other benefits, use one of the many herbal, salt-free seasoning blends available. You'll be amazed at how good your food will taste. You won't miss the salt.

3. Try seaweed and algae. At least one celebrity is finding wonderful results by drinking seaweed and algae shakes.? Some experts say these shakes break down fat deposits and prevent water retention. So not only do these natural products aid provide great nutrition; weight loss is assured. Remember Asian peoples have depended on seaweed, algae and similar plants for centuries and are known for their healthy lifestyles.

4. Eat the right kind of carbs. For years, there has been the myth that carbohydrates make you fat. Actually, your body needs carbs for proper nutrition. Weight-loss experts now believe that carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other type of food. It's the amount you eat and as well as the amount of fats, salts and sugars you add when preparing them that makes you gain weight. Have carbs if you wish. For nutrition's sake, have more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, which have more nutrients than junk food.

5. Watch out for artificial sweeteners. Just because artificial sweeteners provide no calories that does not mean they are good for you in terms of nutrition. Weight-loss experts are finding out that using foods with artificial sweeteners enhance our natural craving for sweets. A better bet is to eat fruit or to add natural sweeteners, such as cinnamon. These will help you to satisfy your cravings quickly.

6. Indulge your cravings, and then start again. With a little planning, you can eat your favorite foods without gaining weight. For example, if the holidays would not be complete without Grandma's cheesecake, go ahead and have some. Savor it slowly and really appreciate the effort she put into it. There may be no benefits in terms of nutrition, weight loss or healthy living, but you won't leave the table feeling deprived and gorging yourself later.

7. Learn to relax with means other than food. Many of us are overweight because we've learned to handle stress by gorging on junk food. One of the sources of our stress is -- you guessed it -- being overweight. Cut the cycle by learning other ways to handle stress. Learn yoga, hypnosis and other relaxation techniques and how to apply them to your daily life.? Then, when the talk turns to nutrition, weight-loss and other stressful matters, you will have the tools you need to keep going calmly.

These seven nutrition and weight loss tips will go along way to helping you live a healthier life.

Have you discovered the latest dieting sensation? The Eat Stop Eat dieting plan has been helping happy dieters to shed weight quickly and safely. Strictly speaking, Eat Stop Eat is not a diet -- it's a whole new, healthy way of managing weight loss using intermittent fasting. Try it today, and watch those pounds vanish. Nutritionist Julia Denham recommends Eat Stop Eat to her clients: read a review at http://dietdame.com/eatstopeat.html

Want on-going dieting help? Julia's 30 Day Slimmer Blog at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/blog/ gives you inspiration, motivation, and lots of tips for your weight lost journey.

Quickly Lose 20 Pounds in 3-4 Weeks - How to Quickly Lose 20 Pounds in Under a Month

If you have been struggling to lose some of that belly, leg, butt or arm fat then I have good news for you today. I'll explain how you can quickly lose 20 pounds in 3-4 weeks. In less than a month you will be able to burn off body fat by doing nothing more than eating. Best of all you never have to starve yourself, exercise or pop any fat burner pills.

Quickly burn fat by eating

It seems counter-intuitive to eat and expect weight loss, however this is exactly how the calorie shifting diet works and incredibly it gets better results than the low calorie diets that seem so popular. The reason being that when you eat food your metabolism increases based on the caloric intake, when you eat less your metabolic system slows down and as a result you will burn less fat.

The irony is that this is exactly what low calorie diets do and it's for this reason that people lose weight while on the diet only to have the weight come right back after the diet. The reason for this is that a person who has been on a low calorie diet will have a slowed down metabolism and it can often take weeks for the metabolism to normalize again. During which time a person returns to normal eating habits, only to find they put on weight faster than ever.

Calorie shifting was helping over 1 million people quickly lose 20 pounds in 3-4 weeks last year, I would suggest you try it out as well and find out just how effective this diet really is.

Lose 20 Pounds in Three Weeks by using Calorie Shifting Click http://www.fatloss4idiotsdietplan.com to find out how to do it!


Note: You may wish to publish this article for your website, blog, etc. As long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the about the author resource box.

Sex For Weight Loss & Fat Burn - Overview on Sex & Calorie Burn Rate

Burning calories during sex is the best way to shed those extra pounds. Wight loss during lovemaking is quite a pleasurable experience. High intensity sex, which lasts for more than 30 minutes, can burn more than 150 calories. Lovemaking revitalizes your entire body. All your muscles get rejuvenated and it also enhances your psychological health. There are various types of sex for weight loss. Trying different positions is the mantra for gaining more momentum and making the whole process more engaging.

Overview On Sex & Calorie Burn Rate

- It's very important to know the various aspects of lovemaking. Sex for weight loss is all about experimentation. Lets' look at the various steps during a lovemaking session to know the sex and calorie burn rate.

- There are various factors responsible in burning more fats such the state of insertion, organ size, postures, place, noises, orgasm rate and the aftermath.

- If your partner is not ready while you are ready then the possibility of foreplay is obvious which will generate extra fat burning than a direct insertion. A good lovemaking session always begins with a prolonged foreplay.

- Secondly, intercourse and calorie burn rate is higher if the organ size isn't oversized. A normal sized and shaped organ always produces larger calories burn rate.

- Sex for weight loss depends greatly on sexual postures. Tough styles like wheelbarrow and lotus can stimulate more calorie burning. Regular position like missionary can also burn decent amount of calories up to 150.

- The amount of noises made during lovemaking can burn more calories during sex. Urgent begging and screaming burns around 18 calories.

- The satisfaction levels also decide the amount of calorie burning. A satisfied partner will have higher sex and calories burn rate.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Burn Fat in 3 Weeks - 3 Steps to Burn Off Stubborn Fat From All Those Trouble Spots Lightning Fast!

Have you tried everything under the sun to burn fat fast but you didn't achieve the results you were hoping for? Well, take just 3 quick minutes out of your day to read this article and learn about 3 steps to burn off stubborn fat from those common trouble spots (buns, hips, thighs, belly, love handles)!

Step 1: Stop Starving Yourself!

Starvation diets will do nothing but slow down your metabolism. With your body having a slow metabolism, it will begin to store calories...as fat, as a way of protecting you (go figure!). In order to burn stubborn fat off and lose weight effectively, I recommend for you to only slightly reduce your caloric intake by no more than 300 calories daily. So, if you need to take in 2,000 calories a day to maintain your current weight, then reduce that down to 1,700.

Step 2: Avoid Fad Dieting!

You know, the "low carb", "low fat", "because such and so celebrity did it" type of diet programs. These diet programs are ineffective because your body needs ALL types of nutrients in order for it to function properly. To burn fat you actually need carbs (complex carbs) and you need fats (healthy fats such as monounsaturated). Restricting yourself from those nutrients will do nothing but also slow down your metabolism, decrease your energy levels, and will cause you to end up with yo-yo weight loss (you lose weight...only to regain it all back...and maybe even more)!

Step 3: Calorie Shifting

The best way to burn fat lightning fast is through a breakthrough dieting system called calorie shifting from the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program. This system is incredibly effective because it will do the one thing that is the exact OPPOSITE of what the consequence is of starvation diets and fad diets....BOOST your metabolism. This program will raise your metabolic rate to the highest level because it teaches you a dieting trick called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting in theory is basically changing up the calories from the foods you eat every single day. By following this system, you can expect to burn fat and lose weight at an accelerated rate....and keep it off permanently!

So, if you are ready burn off stubborn fat from all your trouble spots fast, then I highly recommend for you to look into and tryout the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Lose 25 Pounds OR MORE and melt fat off your body in as little as FOUR WEEKS by using the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click http://www.fatlossin11days.info to learn more and get started today!

Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months - The Best Diet of 2009 to Lose a Lot of Pounds Incredibly Fast!

How would you like to lose 50 pounds in two months 100% naturally...and actually keep the pounds off?! Well, take just 3 1/2 minutes out of your busy day to read this quick article and learn about the top diet of 2009 that has had millions losing pounds lightning fast!

You see, in order for a diet to be effective it must place its primary focus on correct nutrition. As I always say, weight loss and fat loss begins and ends in the kitchen. It does not matter how much exercise you do...if you are not eating correctly...results will be minimal to none!

Now, the best diet that I have found throughout my research is the calorie shifting system from the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet program. This diet system places its emphasis on proper nutrition and the other important principle for elevating your metabolism....boosting your metabolism. You may already know this, but the higher your metabolic rate is, the more fat your body will naturally burn off....permanently!

The way the calorie shifting system works is it will teach you how to shift the calories from the foods that you eat on a daily basis so that you can trick your body from it's normal eating schedule. That's right, your body becomes accustomed to how and when you eat on a daily basis. By tricking your body from its normal eating habits, you will end up increasing your metabolic rate to the highest level possible!

Listen, I know how difficult it is to lose stubborn pounds and keep them off for good. I was once in that battle a few years ago before I discovered the calorie shifting system. If you want a unique online diet system that creates a customized diet generator and will teach you how to shift the calories from the foods you eat to elevate your metabolism, then I highly recommend for you to look into and tryout the calorie shifting system from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Lose 50 Pounds and melt fat off your body in as little as TWO MONTHS by using the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click http://www.fatlossin11days.info to learn more and get started today!

How to Lose 6 Pounds in a Week - Lose Over 13 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Were you aware that you can easily lose over 13 pounds in 2-3 weeks by eating? Find out now how to lose 6 pounds in a week by strictly eating with no starving or conventional dieting, diet pills, exercise or any stress whatsoever. Many people often lose 13 pounds in just 2 weeks alone, many can lose much more such as 40 pounds over time when they continue to follow this eating technique.

So what is it?

It's known as the calorie shifting diet and it involves eating a constantly rotating diet where the body is continually kept on its toes in terms of your metabolism never adapting and as a results causing your body to fall into a comfort zone. In fact for the same reason this diet works so well are the same reasons low calorie diets don't actually work for long term results.

The difference being that calorie shifting focuses on your metabolism, low calorie diets focus on avoiding food which is foolish because it does the following 2 things.

1. Avoiding food decreases your metabolic response as your body is always keeping a balance between calories consumed and fat burning potential.

2. Avoiding food doesn't correct the problem of why you have extra fat to begin with, it only delays the inevitable reaction of rebound weight gain.

It seems too good to be true!

This is often a statement made towards calorie shifting, how can eating food help me lose more weight than not eating. Well by eating in a system that triggers your metabolism you will effectively burn away calories that exist instead of stunting an already slow metabolism and preventing further calories from adding up. See the difference, one diet actually burns fat, low calorie diets just avoid food in hopes that your body won't put on weight. The truth is our bodies are hard-wired with survival instincts and reactions, when food goes short our metabolism slows down, when food is in abundance it increases, when food is in abundance and eaten in a certain pattern you maximize this metabolic boost. I can't convince you that you can lose 6 pounds in a week from eating you'll just have to try calorie shifting for yourself to find out.

Lose 6 Pounds in One Weeks by using Calorie Shifting Click http://www.fatloss4idiotsdietplan.com to find out HOW!


Note: You may wish to publish this article for your website, blog, etc. As long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the about the author resource box.